03 starter cluch replacement

Nice thread revival Red, I just read the entire thread (yes, I knew it was 10 years old lol) and it's interesting how people misdiagnose starting problems and just start throwing new parts at it in the vain hope that one of these expensive 'guesses' will actually cure the problem.
Ok, so I'm an auto tech/mechanic by trade with 40 years experience, there ain't much that surprises me nowadays, and it's great that people like this guy actually started reaching out for help, but please everyone, if you do not understand how a system,( be it electrical, cooling, oiling, whatever,) works don't start messing with it and guessing, it only makes things worse and also harder for the guy that is actually going to diagnose and repair the fault, whatever it may be.
Yes, it's fun learning and accomplishing a repair, or an upgrade, I get that . . . but just ask if you're not sure of something.
Someone here has the answers, and they are willing to share and to help . . for FREE!
That's it from me, thanks for reviving these technical issue type threads Red Bull, this is how we all can learn more about our bikes and its repetition that burns the knowledge into our brains. :thumbsup: