Thats because the sum of the 'replacement' parts is greater then the purchase price.
If you were to build one part by part it would cost about $23000.
How do you think Suzuki and EVERY other manufacturer make their money? Yup - replacement parts.
I understand that, but wouldn't the bike just be considered totalled, written off and replaced?
Suzi and Kaw are very proud of their replacement parts......
Sorry to hear about the wreck, but glad to hear you walked away from it (literally).
At the bottom of the page it says browse... Just put them on your harddrive or pull them directly from your camera and put em up. If not pm me and I will give you my email addy and post them for you.
Welcome to the board. Sorry to hear about your wreck. I hit a stalled car on the highway at around 65 mph, not fun. My bike was totaled out when the repair bill hit $20,000+.

Glad you made it out OK for the most part. I broke my right leg in two places and messed up my left elbow.
Glad your ok mate!!!

....sorry about your bike though... good luck with the insurance