06 busa le


Hello all. Great website. I have read a little of everything on here and have gained a wealth of knowledge. As for me I pick up my Busa on friday of this week. Like most of you am very excited to do so. One problem. I don't know how to ride! Now I know plenty of you will say wrong answer concerning the Busa as a first bike. But I'm also picking up a used GS500E also to learn on. Also getting ready to go to a MSF course in the next 3 weeks. So yes I do have sense. Now I have seen the arguement go back and forth on some of the old and new posting as to is it smart to have a Busa as a first bike. My 2 cents being a newbie, it depends on the person and how level headed they are when it comes to motor vehicle safety period. If you drive your car like a bat out of hell then nine times out of ten you will do the same on a bike. Doesn't make a difference what type of bike. You can get hurt and or even killed just the same. Maturity plays a part in it also along with experience. So I can understand where it might not be wise to start on the Busa. But on the other hand like I said before it depends on the person. Some people are responsible enough to handle the Great responsiblity that comes with riding powerful bikes. Most I would say are over the age of 30 from what I have seen and been around and take great pride in being a Busa and or other powerful bikes. Its not the bike its the rider. Sure not all bikes are equal and they all take some getting use to. I have rode on a 04 Busa, R1 and a 750 although not very fast or far enough to really get a feel of their true power.(By the way I do have the basics on how to ride them just not good at it yet. To tell you the truth I was more afraid of the R1 and the 750 than the Busa. So I feel its what is comfortable to the individual. Some might disagree just my opinion. But I do take heed to those that say ride something smaller first then try out the bigger bikes along with taking the MSF course. So in the mean time I will let it sit for awhile while I learn and from time to time inbetween do some mods and as I get more comfortable riding the little bike might do a 1/2 hour or so in the Busa just to start getting use to its power and feel. But like I said before great website!
sounds like your on the right track...for sure take the msf course and take it slow
I understand your sentiments kesean. I can relate a little. All of my riding friends said "don't get a 750 as your first bike" blah blah blah. I went through MSF at PGCC (Prince George's Community College for those outside of the DC metro area) and the whole nine. That 750 was a hell of a choice for me...plus I saw no need to buy small and then upgrade. That's not me. I didn't twist it until I was confortable with it. A lot of people get in trouble when they ride with others and try to ride above their skill level. You don't seem like the sort to do that so congrats on your purchase!! Be safe and hit me up when you're ready to put some miles on the 06.
Mkae sure to post up some pics when you bring her home. Welcome to the forums, and ride safe.
Congrats & Welcome!

Take it slow and respect the power of the Busa.
Congrats and welcome! The Busa is a heavier bike, but you really won't notice it unless you're sitting still, since you don't have much to compare it to, except that GS. Be respectful of the bike and its power, and you'll really enjoy it!