07 GSXR1000


Ive been trolling the net looking for write ups of the recent Philip Island introduction of the 07 1k. Not too much to be found yet but everything I read is that the new bike is a stunner. Just wondering if anyone on here had placed an order for one yet? I am digging the orange and black.

Considering trading in the Busa as well. It depends on how comfortable (or not) it is.
Just went to the above link (thanks bigoltool), and now I REALLY want one. That red/silver looks nice. I hope they bring that color to the US.
(Juggler @ Feb. 17 2007,10:44) Just went to the above link (thanks bigoltool), and now I REALLY want one. That red/silver looks nice. I hope they bring that color to the US.
From reading that review it sounds like you basically get three power levels ( the review equates it to 600/750/king kong) in one bike instead of any kind of anti spin /traction control. Doesn't say how quickly you can switch maps though. Would be cool to be able to hit the end of a long straight and hit "C" for the tight corner exit then "Bam" Hit "A" again for a killer drive down the next straight. Can't wait to see some more reviews, because this technology could only benefit a new Busa if they ever see fit to create such a thing. Wonder what the aftermarket will be able to do with this system?
that orange and silver looks really sharp. they had an orange and black one at the motorcycle show in cleveland. i hope that they do bring these colors to the states cause i am soon in the market for a liter bike and id like to stick with a gsxr, even thought the new cbr 1000rr is a great ride too...
I'm not sold yet, maybe just confused....

The write-ups have all been positive, but I sat on a 1000 at the chicago intl. bike show and felt the 1000 was heavy and bulky. Then stepped over to the 750 and it felt a hundred pounds lighter...Nimble like I expected!!
Had my buddy do the same thing and he totally agreed. Is the big GSXR really that much larger and or more heavy??

Sit on one before buying....

I'd be interested in what the dyno sheets would look like for A, B, and C.

I'm wanting one even more now...Wondering what the dealer will give me for my Busa...
It sounds like ALOT of bike for somone to just walk into the store and buy. I was at the local dealer this past weekend and went into the "back room" where all the wrecked bikes are stored... 3 brand new 1000's all of them with cracked/broken frames and no front fairings at all. All of them sold to people that bought their first bike and destroyed them in the first week. 190HP 1000cc motorcycles to any Joe off the street... not a good combo...
I'll be getting the first one that shows up here. They are ugly as hell but you can't contest performance. I don't know why suzuki hates us americans but they have and will never give us a cool black 1K. I love that black one. We only get three colors in the USA, Orange/black, Yellow/black and Blue/white. All look like they should belong to a 17 year old in Mexico. Holy crapola, they are all ugly :-(
I think they're ugly as dog snot too.

They should have released the all black, a black and yellow and black and red ala '06 750s (those are sweet looking).

Is it possible we hit the limit of power vs ridability on the street?

To be honest, the big Zuk has pissed me off royally...they redesign the 750s and 1000s every other year, giving them upgrades and techno advances out the ying yang...we loyal Busa owners don't get bobo. Same exact bike for almost a decade without even a hint of what's next if anything.

Tell me Suzuki hasn't made a boatload of money off the Busa and not returned anything but "bold new graphics"...hell, we've been financing the upgrades for the 1000s and 750s.

That stock 1000 will probably blow our doors off...

Throw us a bone Suzuki
Yoshimura is making a full header- dual - exhaust system for the new bike .

Yes , full header system , dual mufflers .

Another company thats never made a Suzuki system period with credentials like .... well huge like Capt James T Kirk or someone  
will be making their trip into the Japanese bike world with a pipe for the K7 .

These guys are serious MoFo's when it comes to exhaust . They might make one for the new Busa when it's out . I placed my order already .

Well , I tried to anyway  
(bigoltool @ Feb. 20 2007,22:28) BUMP! Actually just found a new write up. This thing is going to be a MONSTER!

Yes it is but honestly how much more do you need for the street would be a awesome track bike . I mean how much is gonna be enough we already have these dumb arse squids buying these things taking them out hitting the throttle and bam giving us another bad name and higher insurance rates..Would love to have the new R1 its gonna be a badarse one also . im just wondering where its gonna go from here..you can take a stock GSXR 1000 its running more HP then the busa. and what 200 pounds less weight ..
Can you say strap on a rocket cause your going for one hell of a ride..
I'm a firm believer in the too much is just enough theory! Makes you wonder how many Gixxer pilots will ride in around in B or C mode a lot of the time just to save on washing all the soiled underwear! Man that would be such a tough decision.
Do I want to go real fast? (select button C)
Do I want to go really, really fast? (Select Button B)
Do I want to scare myself Sh1tless? (select button A)

Decisions, decisions.
