here is my 06 gixxer, sold it last year, great bike and quick, just click
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AWESOME!! I have that same exact bike. here it is in race trim:
here is my 06 gixxer, sold it last year, great bike and quick, just click
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Nice bike, but the 09 will be light years ahead in terms of performance over that 06'.
Yep.... The '09 1K is gonna be a screamer. 190+ crank HP is gonna be damn near 170 at the rear wheel - DAYUMMMMM. And the 448 is CURB weight, not dry weight. The '09 lost some weight this year. Also the '09 has a shorter wheelbase AND a longer swing arm and stacked tranny = Better handling, more centralized mass. It's gonna be a TERROR!!!
I'm selling the Busa and getting the new 1K next spring. I love the Busa, but tired of wrestling her on the track and tight corners - which has become most of my riding the last two years. I'll miss the "big girl" on the 1,000 mile weekends, but I only do a couple of those a year.
Wish I could keep both, but my wife rides too, I can only afford to have a couple bikes and simply can't keep the Busa. It would be nice to have a Busa, 1K AND the wife's 750! But until I make more money, I can only dream!!!!
The '09 is gonna be a Beast at the track![]()
She might redefine the current crop of liters. I gotta find a way to get my hands on one of those next year.
The 2008 CBR didn't look that good IMO, but it sure can rail![]()
Emission Controllsaccording to the suzuki websight, the 09 weighs 203kg (448 lbs.). dont know why but it seems that the bikes are getting a little fatter every year since 04???
Hey don't be such a half glass empty kinda guy. Look at the bright side........mod the hell out of your busa and just maybe you can keep up. And your busa is more comfyDam it's got more power than the Busa :unhappy: Well that s depressing so that means I get my azz handed to me in the top end too ??? What a cruel world :sulk: Now the comfortable seating geometry is all I have to cherish.
...so that means I get my azz handed to me in the top end too ???