1/4mile launch ?

C rod2000: you can definetly run without the clutch mod, granted it is much smoother and more predictable with it, I used to do low 1.7 60's on a stock height,stock length,stock geared busa w/pipe and airbox. Launching at 3-3.5K, just let the clutch out quickly and nail it. Yes there are much harder launches out there but this is easy to do with a stock bike. 1.8 60's no problemo, 10.0's stock bike, no problemo if your average weight!! Have fun, becareful

PS. just for fun, try 42 tooth rear sprocket, like power wheelies?
sjbusa:Were you riding the red Boosa at Milan wed. night?
I was on the blk w/chrome wheels,I was wearing full leathers.

To whom it may concern,if you run over 120 mph at Milan you have to wear leather pants,they do ask about the teather also,but he let me run without one.
ZXALAN: I tried 4k launch and bogged real bad. I guess I let it out to slow being timid. Do you feel 5k is too high? I weight 230lbs.
SrBUSA, if it bogged either you let it out too fast without feeding more throttle or you need more R's. At 230 you probably need to come out at about 5k rpms. If you don't have the clutch mod becareful because it gets grabby at high r's like that. As you are letting the clutch out start simultaneously feeding throttle, as soon as the clutch is out, it should already pinned to the stop(throttle). I know I will probably get flamed by these guys but that is the easiest, safest way to launch.

Yes there are many ways to launch much harder, you will figure them out on your own once you get used to you bike and how it reacts to changes in throttle and clutch,
activation. This is the easiest most productive technique I have found but I am by NO means a pro, actually barely novice :wink: I have made about 100 passes on the Busa and about 1000 on a ZX11. You may try, going down one tooth in the front, that will wake it up big time for about $20
I wouldn't mind going to milan and meeting a few other busa owners, Also I have only had mine to the track once. the first time at the drag strip except watching. I need to launch mine better my 60' times stink, but good 1/8 MPH and 1/4 MPH just stink launching it. What time do they start on wensday at milan and $$, Regs as far as laethers and what not....
BUSA1300: Milan opens @ 4pm on WED & Friday. $20 to race - $8 for spectator. Of course you must have a leather jacket and boots over the ankle. If you were jeans they will $itch if you exceed 120mph. They ask you to install a teather(kill) for future runs.

ZXALAN: Thanks for the advice - I'm going to practice WED. These magazine times(9's) must be with a 140lb professional for a bone stock bike.
gsxrboy, how many over is that swingarm on your bike? +4 or more. i run 1:57 60' times and go 9:44 et.on a stock arm. Maybe i need more seat time to get my 60's down.
RUFF RYDER - That was me on the red/gray. I think you'll be easy 10's if you can keep that wheel down. On your run before me your bike wheelied 2 times - way to ride it out. I'm going to Milan WED. if the weather holds up.

Thursday I went to PURE SPEED - bike peeked @ 153bhp on a DynoJet 150. They claim I may get a little more with some more miles.

On another note a ZX12 dynoed before me with a Muzzy & lowered - 163bhp at the rear wheel. This guy also has a 99Busa - that ZX12 felt awful light when I sat on it. Both of his buddies(Busa's-piped&remapped) claimed he spanked them hard on the 12 on roll ons. Nice guy though, he plans to scrap the YOSH on the Busa and install a Muzzy.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I post my results WED night.
How do you like the Lapeer track? When is it available for running a bike and what are the fees? Thanks. That track is not far from me.

Was lookin at your slips. DAMM, 122.2mph 1/8 speed, do you remember where you shifted on that run. Best I've seen is 116.97 1/8 @ 6.30, I know it's got more.

LeeMI - I like the Lapeer track but don't know when they run test & tune. I know they race on the weekends and have a $1500.00 race on Sunday. FYI: They also race you with cars at lapeer, unlike most tracks.

DaveO - I shift right about 11k indicated on the tach. Although I've heard a few people say the MPH clock at Lapeer is generous to about the tune of 2-3mph. At Milan I always run 116-119.
GSXRBOY, if you don't mind me asking, what all do you have done to your bike? Which:pipe,gearing,air shift,airbox,remapping,dyno#'s,ride height and wheelbase, tire.
Thanks for any info you release, BTW your bike Fukking Rolls

ZXALAN - Go to:

This was the post I did when I put my bike together. The only thing I've changed since then was the Full Aurbox Mod (Motorheads) and I've been playing with the 007 map.
Well guys,I weigh 230lbs.I dont have a BDE clutch mod yet and my 60 foot times are low 1.60s.For us heavy weights iI would suggest 16/42 gearing for the 1/4 mile along with lowering the bike.I have no doubt that if I the clutch mod my 60 foot time would be in the 1.50s.I have a stock swingarm.There is nothing like seat time to make you quicker.Hey GSXRboy,would you like to try my 007Nick map?You might get another 2 or 3 horsepower over the 007Harv map.

Gixxer1300R - You sent me that map the other day, just waiting to get out to the track and try it out...Thanks!

Also the clutch mod should easily move you into the 1.50's...
I will be heading out to Milan on Wed. to help a buddy of mine out with his nitrous bike. I don't think I will bring my busa.
The track won't hold it.

When my bike was stock w/Yosh Ti pipe lowered
(not strapped) stock wheelbase. I would run
9:50's between 144 and 146. My 60's were averaging 1.47 1.50, 1/8 117 to 119 mph. My bike made 169hp uncorrected which I thought was great. Not bad for my big *** on the bike. Hope to see you guy's out there on Wed. night.
See ya,
I'll be at Milan on wed. nite if the weather holds up,I'm gonna take Gixx's advice since he's a big fella also.
Gixx1300R:Will the 16/42 gearing make the bike more wheelie prone,and what effect will it have on the top end?