sorry....i loath ducs...and while i'm certain there's plenty of duc champs out there?...i've had far more friends who have had bad experiences with'em than good...then again?...i live in south florida...the roads down here are long, straight, flat and fast...very fast....ducs don't hold up...but the jap inline 4's?...keep the oil changed and run the dogshid out of'em and..rarely if ever a guess we just hafta agree to dis-agree...and did i mention i hate ducs?(DaCol. @ Feb. 17 2007,12:07) Jinkster I've had Ducs for years, (6 of them to be exact) and still have an 888 and 998 (sold my ST4 3 months ago with 102,000 miles on it) and have NEVER had any problem (except my 916 which did have first year teething problems) . Ducs are just like any other bike, if you ride the crappola out of them, they break. Just like my Kaws and Suzs. Take care of them (meaning maintance - and yes the Ducs do require more) and they'll last for a long time. I've seen Suzs, Kaws and Hondas blow by misuse. So, just saying a Duc is not strong puts me in a position of saying I very much disagree. And I have A LOT for Duc owners to agree with me. And sure, there are bad Duc Bikes, but as this thread shows, the Busa is not TROUBLE FREE !
OK,NOW !! You can go get a
now AND Long Live the BUSA
oh we go....gotta live one.(DaCol. @ Feb. 17 2007,15:51) Jinkster, you live in Florida, and have FAST roads. Now Jinkster, fess up, you really don't live in Slow-oida do ya![]()
When I go to Florida I see all these cars with a sign saying, "When I get old I'am going to move up North and drive real slow" !!!
If you really want Fast Straight roads, ya need to come out here where the BASE speed limit is 65 mph on all state roads (and yea, you can do 65 or more for a long time), and turnpikes at 75 mph. Of course in a state with only 3,000,000 pop and with 3 cities having 2/3s of the population (leaves a lot, and I mean ALOT of wide open spaces). So, when we talkabout fast roads, WE MEAN FAST ROADS![]()
"OH" did I mention, I LOVE Ducs![]()
Not sure what you're reading, but the base model is $15K, and the "S" is $19K. And the "S" doesn't come with the Termi; it's an option.(Mr. Anderson @ Feb. 16 2007,13:38) the base 1098 is $19k, the $1098S is 24k, the S comes with F + R Ohlins shocks, termi exhuast and forged lighter rims. and a usb port to download data. oh yes, this will be my next bike!
What's up? there a "Fake Southern Louisiana"?(DaCol. @ Feb. 17 2007,16:18) Since my family is from the Bayou Country (Real Southern Louisiana) , I just LOVES gator meat![]()
"OH" Yea, I always order Duck at our monthly Duc Dinner/Meetings![]()
Sorry Bill but Neil Hodgson finished 2nd in 05 and Fourth in 06 at Daytona. Ben Bostrom was 7th in 06 and his bro was 11th the year before. Much as I hate Eric Bostrom he had the 200 in the bag in 04 until he perforated an oil cooler. That was all the further I looked back.(JINKSTER @ Feb. 17 2007,14:17) 4. For the past 25 years at Daytona?..."Ducati"...has never completed the Open Class Daytona 200...the engines always blow in the final laps...that track is too hard and FAST for a ducati engine.