'13 trip pics w/ twotonevert, MrsTwotonevert, and friends

That's an awesome trip. I'm so jealous and would love to do something like that with other folks sometime.

Get out there and do it bro. Dont wait till you retire to do the things you want to do. We met an old man somewhere along the way on a V-star that made us tear up, we were speechless. He worked all his life and saved, his wife and he had planned to buy and RV and a trailer to haul his motorcycle when he retired. She died shortly after he retired and he has lived for 10 years wishing he had gone on a trip, he said he would be thinking about all the fun we were having and wished us well..........what do you say to that? semi and I both were choked up. He was 72 and lost his wife when he was 62.
Get out there and do it bro. Dont wait till you retire to do the things you want to do. We met an old man somewhere along the way on a V-star that made us tear up, we were speechless. He worked all his life and saved, his wife and he had planned to buy and RV and a trailer to haul his motorcycle when he retired. She died shortly after he retired and he has lived for 10 years wishing he had gone on a trip, he said he would be thinking about all the fun we were having and wished us well..........what do you say to that? semi and I both were choked up. He was 72 and lost his wife when he was 62.

Damn. sad story. I've always wanted to ride across country. i know i will!
Get out there and do it bro. Dont wait till you retire to do the things you want to do. We met an old man somewhere along the way on a V-star that made us tear up, we were speechless. He worked all his life and saved, his wife and he had planned to buy and RV and a trailer to haul his motorcycle when he retired. She died shortly after he retired and he has lived for 10 years wishing he had gone on a trip, he said he would be thinking about all the fun we were having and wished us well..........what do you say to that? semi and I both were choked up. He was 72 and lost his wife when he was 62.

Yeah I know :) We've done one good trip, that was 3520 miles in 10 days when we first got the Busa but that was just over 2 years ago. We keep talking about another run down the east coast again or heading west to Colorado, Montana and back but timing always sucks. I'm only home a few times a year and two of those times falls into riding season then working a road trip into the craziness is a true challenge. I'll be home in a couple weeks and we're hoping for at least several nights out on the bike but who knows.

It's always would have should have could have. :sulk:
Glad you all had a safe and fun trip, great pics with great friends!

Too bad you came thru New Hampshire and we couldn't meet up!
I'm still looking for the "Welcome to Hawaii" sign, LOL

That was one awesome trip and I hope one day (possibly the summer of 2015, I'll be debt free :) ) I can take a good long trip like that. The only problem I have is that pretty much everyone that I ride with is afraid to take a trip like that and I don't want to do it alone but I will if I have to.
great pics!

Lamb thinks he spotted B.O.B. in there

Congratulations to Shawn (McMustang)...What a great spot for a ceremony!!
I'm still looking for the "Welcome to Hawaii" sign, LOL

That was one awesome trip and I hope one day (possibly the summer of 2015, I'll be debt free :) ) I can take a good long trip like that. The only problem I have is that pretty much everyone that I ride with is afraid to take a trip like that and I don't want to do it alone but I will if I have to.

Trips like that make life worth living... don't wait too long or you'll be saying woulda, coulda, shoulda - don't be that guy.

I take 2 or more trips like that each year, sometimes 2-up with my son, sometimes just me. Riding alone or with company doesn't matter - if you want to do it, pick a destination or two, start planning, get out there and go!

To the OP - you guys were less than 10 minutes from me and you didn't stop by... no call, nothing. I'm deeply hurt.

But seriously - great trip, great pics, congrats Shawn!
To the OP - you guys were less than 10 minutes from me and you didn't stop by... no call, nothing. I'm deeply hurt.

sorry, didn't realize we were that close :please:

what i remember of Delaware was thinking, "Thank God we are out of Connecticut/New York/New Jersey! Now, let's twist the throttle and head south where we can go over 35 mph for more than 100 yards before traffic bottlenecks again!!" :banghead: if i lived there, i would be planning a trip every week to escape :laugh:
Awesome pics!! Such an EPIC journey!! Thanks for stopping by and for sharing the memories! :thumbsup:

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
Awesome pics!! Such an EPIC journey!! Thanks for stopping by and for sharing the memories! :thumbsup:

via Samsung Galaxy SIII

thanks for opening your house and for that AWESOME lasagna! a home-cooked meal was soooo welcome at that point :bowdown:
What an adventure!
Pics are Awesome Semi.
So Jealous!
I want to do a trip like this so bad.
James how was the bike? Pros and cons?
What an adventure!
Pics are Awesome Semi.
So Jealous!
I want to do a trip like this so bad.
James how was the bike? Pros and cons?

The bike was great in all weather and conditions, with the exception of all the stop and go we found in Jersey. With Juli on the back and all the gear the bike was a bit top heavy. I finally figured out in Florida that if I changed the suspension setting, it lowered the bike and made it more manageable. No more issues past that, this is a great bike for two up touring in comfort, mileage range, weather, etc. She even handled better than expected on some of the same roads we shared in Arkansas earlier this year.
The bike was great in all weather and conditions, with the exception of all the stop and go we found in Jersey. With Juli on the back and all the gear the bike was a bit top heavy. I finally figured out in Florida that if I changed the suspension setting, it lowered the bike and made it more manageable. No more issues past that, this is a great bike for two up touring in comfort, mileage range, weather, etc. She even handled better than expected on some of the same roads we shared in Arkansas earlier this year.

Cool. Still looking. Not sure where I am gonna end up with next bike.