$1500 to spend!

No one said that, but you're missing the point. Jacket and helmet qualify for only 40% of your gear. Jeans, shoes and knuckles do not fair well against pavement. A good pair of armored gloves will run at least $100, pants another $200+ and boots at least $100 on sale but more likely closer to $200. That leaves you somewhere around MAYBE $1000 to mod. Check the classifieds for a good used full system and PC3 for starters. If you're lucky you'll find one for under $500 for both exhaust and PC3, a custom tune will eat up another $150 or more, and like someone else mentioned get a GOOD set of sliders. The money will be spent before you know it.

i got rocket gloves and i just wear regular jeans with leather boots
I will look into some riding gear. There arent a lot of shops around here for that stuff in my area and i hate to buy stuff online without trieng it... but coming week i will let you guys know what i started spending $1500 off with
Try Newenough.com for the rest of your gear they have a great return policy. As for exhaust you should be able to find a used one for fairly cheap. I would suggest Brocks for the exhaust but that is just personal preference really. It is EASY to go through $1500
I was expecting people to tell me or recommend about exhausts or pc3 or some visual mods... where these damn putting me down kind of talks come from... i see some people just trieng to put other down here..wuts up with that...i m a noobie in busa world but i am not retarted...:argue:

People telling you to gear up and go to riding school aren't putting you down. You asked how to get better performance out of your bike on $1,500. That's the answer. I have 5 years and 70,000 miles on my Busa and next weekend I'll be geared up and attending an Advanced Riders class.
Ok guys... i am asking for your expert help here... i came up with budget of about $1500 to spend. i currently own a 2006 Busa completely stock except K&N Filter... where can i spend this money to make this bike look and run good, strong and smoooth.... thnx .org :bowdown:

Some coke and a few prostitutes:beerchug:
I've got the latest generation "TRE" for sale and it's your lucky day...it's on sale for only $1500:cheerleader: It's GUARANTEED to get you noticed when you talk about it:laugh:
Personally, I'd leave the bike stock and ride it like it is.
Spend some money on getting the rest of your gear and put the rest in the bank. :colgate:
Ok guys... i am asking for your expert help here... i came up with budget of about $1500 to spend. i currently own a 2006 Busa completely stock except K&N Filter... where can i spend this money to make this bike look and run good, strong and smoooth.... thnx .org :bowdown:

Put your excess cash where it will do the most good, invest it in "YOU"!

The bike is already blazing fast so more horse power is a waste of money.

You can't out ride the stock suspension so simply set up the stock suspension to fit you. Visit any track day event and there will be a suspension guy there to help you with set up. Best $40 you can spend.

Buy a decent set of leathers. If you fall off that thing and the chances are very good this will happen eventually. You'll be very happy you did.

Enroll in a track day school where you'll be properly introduced to the track environment. They will teach you how to ride outside the parking lot. "The Best Money You Will Ever Spend"!

Read my signature line!

Be Smart! Spend your money wisely!

sliders would be a smart move.

if you're going to get an exhaust system spring for a full system. You save alot of weight and can get more of a performance gain over slip-ons. With a full system you'll need the bike tunned.

You can never have to much gear or to much insurance coverage. You don't notice any benefits by doing this until after you've had some sorta critical incident. That's when you're either glad you spent the money or cough up for additional health bills.

The bike in stock form is pretty darn good for anything. As someone suggested getting the suspension setup for your weight/size/ride style reaps huge benefits in improving your confidence with the bike. Believe it or not you can really feel a difference when the suspension is properly setup.

Think about safety before performance. It's may be fun to go fast but you've got to be in control. HID's improve the night time vision and Improved brakes help all the time.

As for looks alot of people go with an undertail to start. After that some go LED's some go with spikes, some go with chrome, some go with Carbon fiber so I guess it depends what direction you want to take the bike and what kind of look yo're after.
Last time i checked $1500 was not a lot of money to spend.. i see people spending well over 7-9k in their bike... compared to that..ii guess i aint that rich... you like stalking dont u?

I just don't care much for trolls. Your posts come off as odd to me. Your previous post has you as a very inexperienced rider who has bought a bike that is waaaaay too much for a beginner. Thats fine. You want to keep it, its your life, do what you want with it. Now you come back with another thread, this time with questions about how to make a bike, that is already way too much for a beginner, faster.....like its not fast enough for you? Nobody is picking on you or offering bad advice....sometimes its good for new riders to hear the truth not some sugarcoated bs. You might learn something and live to ride for another 40 years.
Newbie, I'm not into appearances too much so take that into account when you read my posts. I haven't modified my 08 Hayabusa at all because it takes too much away from my track related funds. I realize that there are a great deal of folks out there that are primarily into sportbikes because of the "cool factor" but I'm only in it for the speed. To each their own.

Do yourself a favor and get some leather pants and a good set of boots, you said you had leathers, gloves and helmet already. I saw the kinds of injuries folks get from only wearing a jacket and gloves and that was enough for me.

I started going to the track because I realized the type of riding I like to do belongs there and I'm not trying to cut my life short. The value of "knowing how do ride" became very evident to me when I see a guys on a SV650's cutting laps at least 15 seconds faster a lap on track that lets me hit 170+ on the front strait. Another example came when I heard the circumstances that lead to a friends death(on a motorcycle) a few weeks ago and realizing it came down to basically one wrong split decision.

Bazooki, i concede defeat from previous post/topic. :laugh: