16 year girl beaten 4 you tube?


has you tube gone 2 far?has internet made kids crazy?punishment????They knocked her out b-4 the beatings adult court??? or just let them off?

Shock video on YOUTUBE records the beating of 16 yr old Victoria Lindsay who was lured to the home of one attacker, pounded, pummeled, and beaten in the most animalistic way by six teens, who videotaped the whole incident on 30 March and threatened to post the video on the two top visited sites.

According to the reports from Lakeland, Florida police authorities, two teens confronted Lindsay as she arrived at a friend's home, where she had been staying temporarily. Another teen confronted when she entered her bedroom and the girls barricaded themselves inside. The girls started beating Victoria like hell. One of them knocked her head into the wall, causing her to lose consciousness. She awoke on a couch and the barbarian girls started beating her again. Then, they put her in a car belonging to one of the culprit's grandmothers, drove the beaten girl around, and dropped her at an intersection. Victoria has not fully recovered her hearing and sight one week after the videotaped beating. Victoria told police that the girls bragged as they beat her and recorded it and threatened to post the video on MySpace and YouTube. The police have obtained the video which shows Victoria being severely beaten, unable to escape. The video shows one girl repeatedly hitting and punching Lindsay although she backed into a corner, covered her head, and did not fight back. The girls can be heard yelling about MySpace, and messages shared there. Two male teenagers acted as lookouts during the attack.

warning little graphic

i saw that on the news last night! it is insace the way kids act these days!! im only 24, but i can tell you things like that didnt happen back when i was that age.....
Treat them as adults and give them life in prison for thier crimes. Premeditated, Kidnapping, Imprisonment, battery.

i thought i heard that they were going to be tried as adults.... or maybe that was the case for the other video they showed of about 30 people sluggin it out in a backyard...
Ummm i would of atleast fought back not like it was going to get worse man i feel so bad for her hope she heels 100% and those others involved get some jail time
Try them as adults if this part of the story is true. Thats a sad, sad decision on the part of those kids. They're going to pay a lifetime for that kind of abuse. They got some bad times ahead of them.
I already heard alot about it. The WORST part is the girls were unremorseful in the police station and were just joking about whether they can still make cheerleading practice the next day.

If that was MY daughter that got beat...I would expect the book to be thrown at those kids. The parents better be VERY sorry for what their kids did or I'd take my anger out on them.

it`s a sad world we live in, thats why both my teenage daughters are 2nd degree blackbelts so they have a fighting chance in a situ like this!! those girls and the parents need to both be thrown a beatin and made to work to pay thats girls way to harvard, instead they will just become another tax burden on the rest of us..


Is the internet adding to this behavior? Probably not. This has been going on forever.

Now everyone can see it.

Should you tube better monitor these videos and pull them as soon as possible?

How many kids are doing stupid, sometimes criminal acts to have a few minutes of fame on the internet?

They are going to get a lot more than they bargained for.

With all the good things the internet provides, there will always be bad. This is one of them.

364 days in the county jail would probably give them enough time to think about it.

It will probably be financially devastating on the parents.

No matter the outcome, they will have to pay the band for this dance.

Just checked, it was removed from you tube..
They need to be thrown in the slammer with a bunch of murderers and let them see how it feels to get the shid kicked out of them!