1st argument over gear

Funny, I've always been told the "aerodynamic" hump IS for safety. Keeps you from hyper-extending your neck in a crash.

If its designed correctly, it does both. Smooths out the air flowing across the helmet down the back and catches the helmet so the neck doesn't flex back too far.
I have no idea why... Here are some of our troopers. The cops that I've seen on sportbikes always have full gear. Busa 159 where are you?

The OHP Busa guys use full face flip up helmets. They can't effectively talk to motorists on the side of the road through full face helmets.
i remember hangin it out there pretty far on a nice freeway onramp some years back, and at the bottom of the curve for the merge lane onto the freeway there was a nice broken sprinkler head that had wet the entire lane.

there i was all the way over thinking i was the ****... i hit the water and my bike went lowside away from me and i ended up sliding on my belly, hands, and front of my helmet!

my jacket saved my belly, my gloves saved my hands, and my full face bell star(now you know how old i am! LOL) saved my then handsome face! LOL

my helmet had a cherry burned into the chin about 2 inches around.

i find that as i get older i am more apt to tell **** talkers to shut the **** up, or at the least to mind their own business.
Gee & I thought you got all the best info at the tat parlor..makes sense to me that you wouldn't want to screw up a good face slide with a full face helmet???
You'll never reach India, you'll fall off the edge of the earth.

Bugs in the face will make a man out of you.

Noone will ever bat .400 again.
The "...you'll break your neck..." myth is common among "old school" riders and anyone else trying to justify that wearing less than full face is safer. It's simply not true. I've witnessed a rider first hand that was 100% spared ANY facial injury when he landed RIGHT ON HIS FACE. No neck or spinal issues. Others here have already posted tons of similar experiences and the studies that do exist all agree that there is virtually no risk of neck/spinal injury as a result of wearing a helmet. Is it impossible to for a helmet to contribute to a neck injury? Probably not. However, without a helmet, your almost guaranteed to sustain an injury if your head impacts something.

Wear a full face helmet or don't get on the bike.
...i dont know what to think....

......i'm fairly certain you were just talking to a complete & utter moron ! (try not to do this too often, as your time will be wasted :rulez:)
I would have said, you may be correct. Full face helmets may induce greater stresses upon the upper vertabrae during a face forward impact.

However, I don't worry about it as, the greatest risk is to the pencilneck :laugh:
Many years ago I had a friend hit by a bus while on his new CB 750. He slid under the bus. he did live and is fine now. He did not have a full face helmet on and his face and jaw were broke in 25 places. he ate through a straw for almost a year.
My wife did not even want me to get a bike again after she was the first responder to Master Gunnery Sgt. Nicholas Formosas death. But I convinced her that I would do my best to be aware of my surroundings. Full face all the time baby!
I pretty much wear full gear at all times in every temperature range. Leathers, full helmet, gloves and boots only occasionally will I go out with less. I don't mind getting scarred up but truth be told you can't lie to a woman and tell her your road rash scars are from a knife fight in Okinawa where you fought off fifteen guys and got stabbed yet still won the fight, saved the girl and took her to dinner and then bed. Hell my neighbor only rides harley's and never go's out with out a full helmet. In the end you do what you feel is right.
The scratches on the face shield of my full face Shoei which are NOT on my face and the fact that I do NOT have a broken neck are proof positive that, at least in my little world, it's better to have a full-face helmet!

Been around bikses all my life and never heard of anyone getting hurt worse for wearing a full face . I guess its like saying you'll get killed if you wear your seatbelt cuase you cna't move out of the way .