Wait...you were joking, right?I see that commercial all the time, and all I can think is, "I bet if I move to Calli, my life won't be like it is on tv. . . " And I could never live with the auto inspections. We don't have them here in SC, and it's a good thing we don't, cause if we did, my car would probably be impounded or something right now. And if my "rant" was included in your question about me joking, then the answer is no. That's litterally what my life is like at this particular point in time. I just got done writing out (by hand) 7 pages worth of Biology info, now I have to study it, spend all day tomorrow studying Biology and Psychology, take those finals on Thursday, study Thursday night and Friday morning for my math final, take that at 1:30 Friday, then I'm off for 9 days and get to go right back to it for summer semester. . . woo freakin hoo. . . The bike is in the garage, just got done replacing the shift shaft seal and now I'm trying to decide if I can afford to replace the chain and sprockets while it's all apart. The only problem with that is the fact that I'm a full time student and don't have a job, so it's very hard to justify spending $300 on motorcycle parts. So on top of all the school work I can't even go get on the bike and take a ride to chill out and relax! Wow, sorry for the novel guys. I'll shut up now, haha.