1st oil change


I must have missed something when people talked about the tin foil trick. I tried it and I'll be damned if oil didn't get all up on the headers. When the oil comes out of the block after you loosen the filter, it tends to follow the casing for a bit and there was no way I could get the foil close enough under there with out oil getting past it. What did I miss?

BTW, thumbs up on the fairing removal thread!! Still took me awhile to get it off, but now I've done it once, fergettaboutit.
I must have missed something when people talked about the tin foil trick. I tried it and I'll be damned if oil didn't get all up on the headers. When the oil comes out of the block after you loosen the filter, it tends to follow the casing for a bit and there was no way I could get the foil close enough under there with out oil getting past it. What did I miss?

BTW, thumbs up on the fairing removal thread!! Still took me awhile to get it off, but now I've done it once, fergettaboutit.
either way it will burn off after a bit so i wouldent worry, it just makes for less of a mess ya just gotta get the foil lined up better and make a way for it to run off into the pan..........
I also got some oil on the headers despite using foil. I just didn't use enough.

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
BTW, thumbs up on the fairing removal thread!![/quote]

You're welcome.
I wish I could go back in and edit a few things that have become apparent on subsequent removals, but there appears to be a time limit on the ability to edit your posts....
I'm old school and like to wrap my headers to keep the heat in and get a few more ponies out of the engine. Took the plastic off to see just where the oil filter is today and yikes. What a poor position for the oil filter what was Suzuki thinking. I may not wrap the headers now becuase having oil soaked wrap and the resulting smell for a long time will not be pleasent.
I'm old school and like to wrap my headers to keep the heat in and get a few more ponies out of the engine.  Took the plastic off to see just where the oil filter is today and yikes.  What a poor position for the oil filter what was Suzuki thinking.  I may not wrap the headers now becuase having oil soaked wrap and the resulting smell for a long time will not be pleasent.
Just wrap your headers in foil it is cheap and easy to remove. works great for covering things for touch up paint as well. It always pays to have a cheap 10 $ throw blanket handy as well never know when you need to cover something up to keep it clean or scratch free.
i also had issues with foil. i think next time i will try a plastic trash bag after it cools for awhile. maybe that will work better.
I spray a little engine degreaser on the headers and let it sit for 5 min. then rinse off with hose. Kinda gives you a underside detail..
I assume you all are draining the pan via the oil plug before you pull the filter? And then letting it drip for a few minutes before removing the filter?

I've never had oil from the filter drain onto the header. I unscrew the filter and as soon as it is free, tilt the filter up to prevent spilling and then carefully work it up and through the header.

I do get a bit of oil on the block, but it gets wiped off before the oil can drip.