2 hours into the ride and we're not talking

I am glad to hear that nothing has changed between you two :lol:
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Enjoy and be safe.:beerchug:

One day I wish to make a movie of Cap and Trekkie, will be better than Larry The Cable Guy. :laugh:
Well we made it to Monitor Colorado where we dropped off the truck at a friend of Trekkie's house.. We jumped on the bikes and off we went... Man oh man I gotta tell ya the ride we made tonight was unbelievable. We went from Monitor Colorado to Kremlin Colorado through the mountains.. I could see the smile on Trekkie's face as I passed him, the scenery is breathtaking... No problems at all today, I would post some pics but the one thing that I forgot to pack was the cable to connect the camera to the laptop. I will get one at Walmart tomorrow.

Folks this is turning out to be a fantastic vacation.........

lol...anyway you can hack into his ipod and speakers in his helmet and you play dj?
Can't wait to see the pics...hope you guys continue to have a good trip.
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