2000 Busa tensioner Failure

I just got off the phone with my local Suzi service manager. If you put on a manual cam chain tensioner you have negated your warranty. Definitely don't do it during the 1st year warranty period.
Yeah but what if in the middle of your warranty period you are going 150+ down the freeway(which I do daily)and the tensioner fails and the valves hit the pistons and the motor locks up and your flying through the air at 150+, is Suzuki gonna warranty YOU? And pay for the hospital bills? I would rather void my warranty(which isn't good for $hit anyway)than bust my A$$ on the ground!! BTW, all you have to do is keep your stock tensioner and if your bike breaks and needs to go to the dealer, just put the stock tensioner back on before you send the bike to the dealer. Sneaky is cool. ;)
The Suzi engineers are not dumb.

You're right I'm not comfortable with the tensioner issue either but there isn't any bike that's perfect once you get to know it in depth. I don't want to think about how mechanically scarey my last bike was.

How many are really having a problem and what kind of use/abuse did they see. Do you know if your blown '00 was a dragger?
No the 00 only had 300 miles on it,the tires still looked brand new.I found out it's actually the spring inside the tensioner that is failing.I sometimes criuse down the highway at about 100 mph.I would hate for the tensioner to go out at that speed and 100 miles from home in a dead zone for cell phones.
My 00 was babied and the tention failed. I have 0 drag runs on it and all highway miles. Junk the stock tentioner. And I am with ZXAllen just keep the tentioner and put it on before you go to the dealer. Suzuki Engineers can't tell the deference from a manual cam chain adjusters wear from the stock ones wear on the chain .
If all this tensioner nonsence is true on the '00's, would it show up right away? Or could it fail way down the road? I have 9000k's on mine and no noises yet...

Well, I have 4K and my bike has made noise since new, it doesn't sound like a rod knocking and it doesn't sound like valve clatter, its on the right, rear side of the motor and it only does it cold and at slow idle. What else could it be? This is one of those things that may never fail(I used to be worried about blowing the #3 rod in a ZX11, 15K, never blew)but I dont want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere without a cell phone, laying on my a$$ after the motor locked up at 150+mph. Whats 50 bucks? But I do have warranty so I may wait a little while and see how many Y2K failures show up.BTW, my buddy has a 99 with the recall, it made the same noise before and after the recall, its still running 7K