Better yet I'll send you my addy and you can ship it to me. I'll take care of her all winter long for ya. I mean take care of that cranking problem.
Got her running finally!!! Whew!
I took the injectors out of the throttle bodies and marinated the filter ends standing in a bowl of Gumout fuel injection cleaner. After 5 mins, took the injectors and blew compressed air into the filters. Installed them back, hooked up the battery, turned the ignition key to on, and with just ONE press of the run switch, the engine started!
Thank you all for your support and assistance. Excellent board, but most of all, excellent members.
If you find your injectors
are not working right ,
you can not clean
them yourself .
They need to be dismantled ,
and professionally cleaned ,
worn / damaged components
like pintles are replaced ,
and they get pressure tested .
@03nosbusa has posted
the number for MPS racing ,
and they do nice work .
If you isolate
the injectors
as the problem ,
give them a call .
red... u ALMOST got me again.... u are really having a blast resurrecting these threads!!!!lol