2003 Headlights Will Not Come On

Just read a few comments, it does sound like the plugs wires are round the wrong way, could try looking for cut wires, loose earths, around the frame.
Don't know if you have a wiring diagram, so I'll attach these, covers all the gen 1 busas.





ok i swaped the wires at the jumper and now have headlights but my turn signals work as 4way flashers. any clue how to fix that?

Are the light on the rear of the bike working properly? I still don't understand the jumper wire. Is it possible for you to disconnect the jumper to see what happens? If it's jumping your left and right turn signals together it would cause your current problem. Glad we got your headlight problem taken care of.
Sounds like a constant like is feeding your flashers, trace the wires on your harness, in the same way, as the wiring diagram.
yes jumper! look at my first 3 pics they have jumpers 2 of them orange to yellow got my headlights to work the other i moved to green and my trun signals dont work now lol. but hay its not stuck on anymore. i can ride it now. still want to fix the turn signals. dont know what the PO did to make it like this but im the one stuck with it so the more i know on how to fix the better dont think ill ever get rid of it. so far guys yall are helping and i thank you for it.
Did you swap wires in the white plug, or the green one? Looking at the wire diagram that David Offor provided us it looks like all you needed to do is pull the white wire and the green wire out of the white plug and switch them.
if you look at my pic i dont have flashers at all. this is why i dont under stand how they are acting like flashers when i use my turn signals.

shawn i didnt swap anything in my white plug i swapped wires in my black plug in the first 3 pics i posted.

its almost like the harness they used was supposed to have flashers. mine doesnt have that. i have no idea what harness they used or if there is a do this to make it all work write up.
Before you switched the wires on your black plug, did the left signal and your headlight flash when you turned on your 4ways?
as far as i can tell i dont have 4ways. only the LH turn signal worked before. no if i pick RH or LH i get both to flash at the same time lol. i posted a pic of my handle bars.
as of now if you look at my first 3 pics i have moved the jumper to go black to green. from what i can tell the green wire is the signal wire. dont know what the black wire is.
I would put the wires back where they were on the black plug then change the wires in the white plug. I think what we have done is changed the wires before the actual problem, if that makes sense.
ok tryed that and didnt. back to haveing headlights and no turn signals. got to be missing something. i have no 4way flasher button. what years dont have that? thats the diagram i need.
ok so i got it fixed the jumper wires are in my LH control harness. the only one i need it the one my finger is on the other was tieing both side together. if you look at the pic with my finger on the jumper wire there are 2 empty spots where the other jumper was that was the one tieing both sides together. everything works good now thanks guys! oh oy the green is one side and the black was the other side for the trun signals.

