2005 Busa

I bought a new busa and and have had it back to the dealer twice!
A bolt in the clutch worked itself out and locked up my motor. Then I noticed I have parts missing after I got it back, so I took it back & they gave me scratched plastic?? My rear tire was NOT tightened... one side was at two & the other at four? My question is: will any Suzuki dealer make these corrections or must I fire bomb my local dealership!  If your interested: Nothern Illinois Suzuki.  I wish now I would have listened to my ol' lady & bought a Harley.   Hayabusa?  What a piece of ####!!!
If your a troll... get lots, we dont like em trolls

If your for real, Welcome to the board

The busa is a great bike, and dont judge it by the lame dealership that you delt with! I suggest that you take NJ's advice... Put your foot down, and make the dealership set things right for you!
Hi, i signed up here a long time ago but just now got a Busa, in fact I got it Wednesday...

Please tell me that is a very , very rare occurance!
Congrats on the new bike!

Fortunately those problems are a rare occurrence.

Basically everything he listed was a dealer prep fault and not the bikes fault. The punk kids working at the dealer will typically get those jobs and in many cases the only reason the ham fisted morons are working there is because they're related to someone higher up. Also some dealers just plain out SUCK.
Keep that in mind before you decide to take your bike in for the 600 mile service for that "Warm Cozy Feeling" it'll give you. Personally I say do it yourself and it'll be done right. It's also your legal right to be able to do your own service and as long as you document everything you'll have no problems with future warranty claims.

When you do take your bike in for service, take some dated photos of it in the service area before leaving. Go over it with them and point out there are no scratches, blems or missing hardware anywhere.

If it has scratches when you pick it up have enough balls to stand up for yourself and demand new panels...not just go home with your tail between your legs and then cry about it on the internet.

Oh and if you do have any complaints...make sure you get your post count WAY up before saying anything.
Here's a hint, just follow up every post you read with nothing but an emoticon for a response!

This one seems to be the most popular:

i don't know. i'm new, but sounded like someone just wanted to get on a hayabusa forum and tell us how great harleys are and how much busas "sucked".
I am also a bit taken back with the Busa vs Harley thing.  That would be like buying a Porsche, having problems with it, and buying an Olds Cutlass........

This is not meant as a slam, but if you are serious and legit, you may want to truly reconsider owning any high performance sport bike.  Especially with the part about being worried about your "kids" getting hurt.

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ok so you have had bad luck with ur bike
dont take it out on the bike m8,its ur dealership thats wrong.if you had any sence you should go back and fire some fks into um.
write to suzuki and tell them,dont come on ere and say how #### these bikes are when u dont know the facts.ps obviously you cant tell 1 bad bike from a gooden.
o yea welcome to the board!!!
yeah man blast that new Busa to 180mph but trust the mechanic that put her together?

not were I'm from, I think if you cannot do the simple things to your bike like check ALL the nuts and bolts, maintain tire pressure and tighten the chain, among other things you probably should not own the fastest motorcycle in the world.
don't bust on the busa, I have ridden both harley and busa, I am on my second busa. The Harley is a totally different class of bike, If you want to put around town then get your Hog. If you want raw power stick with your Busa.

I would definitely stay away from that dealership, even complain to suzuki about the poor service. We had a Kawasaki shop here like that and he got shut down. He was the only one in town and thought he could treat people how he wanted......Kawasaki pulled his license and awwwaaaaay he went. I have been on bikes for the last 20 or so years and the busa is by far the most comfortable bike with the most power that I have ever been on.
Sounds like a HArdey is EXACTLY WHAT your Equiped for...  Your Bitter, Your Old, You  
have an Ole' Lady...hell your perfect, a Harley will looks great outside yer Mobile Home...  

Don't let the door hit ya, you've never even TOUCHED a BUSA of your own.  So Head back to the trailer park and pat yourself on the back for figurin out how to use the Computers at the library...
Now see what ya did?...you went and got Rev all fired up...

Really tho..dealerships suck for the most part...pride in workmanship is extinct as far as I can tell. As we've discussed before motorcycling is a get involved hobby. If you count on the dealerships to take care of everything for you you aint gonna enjoy owning bikes. A couple of tips...learn your bike...do some minor maintainence..simple stuff...get a little dirty, its like baby steps. Pretty soon you'll never need a dealer service department again
. Always take off everything within reason that you don't want damaged on your bike BEFORE you take it to the dealership.
Let the manager know you want a good job done. And if your real concerned also let him know your kinda picky and the bike has no damage now....he might even look it over himself.
And ALWAYS inspect the bike thoroughly BEFORE you leave the dealership. Anything you find after you've left you can't prove they did...and thats prolly the stand they'll take.
And remember you'll get farther by being nice...to a point. But the squeaky wheel will get oiled when the probs start. Hope this helps

PS. Busa's really are bulletproof.....you just had a freak incident...I bet once things are worked out you never need the dealership again for a prob....and Busa's only get better with age




Dealerships suck. Best thing to do is avoid them.

Mine came with missing fairing screws and one cross threaded fairing screw. And the headlight pointing straight down.

I bit the bullet and fixed things myself and at least I never got my fairing scratched.

My chain was also not adjusted properly but not as bad as yours.

Its dissapointing I know but I still love the bike and the gix I bought last year came without a flaw.

My dealer was also prepared to charge me for the missing screws but did not argue the point. I should of gave them a bill for the cross threaded screw.

Motorcycle warranties and dealerships do not operate the same as automotive. Anytime I've had to bring a bike back for something its been a real hassle.

One time the dealer refused to fix the rear brake on a brand new Suzuki and I told them it had to be done whether it was warranty or not. It was a real safety issue. The service manager did'nt last long after that performance. And I had to fix the brake myself.

Hang in there.
This is my first new bike and I think I got real lucky. I've owned plenty of other new vehicles and this has by far been the most perfect purchase I have ever made. My bike has been flawless in every way. The shop I bought it from is small and they revered the Busa....and put it together as good as I would have...and considering I'm a perfectionist thats pretty damn good. Too bad their not local
Call Suzuki HQ in Cali. They will contact the dealership for you...problems will be solved. I did it and they were