Fuel air and spark are all well and good, if they are happening at the right time, that's where the Ecu comes into play and that is governed by sensors, if a faulty sensor is telling the Ecu to the spark at the wrong time or inconsistently, then the bike will not run, no matter how much electrical power is fed to the bike.I tried jumping it off my buddy car the night it died. didn't give it much time to charge before trying it since the bike was already cranking over fast. But it didn't make a difference. Its at my buddys house and he said the trickle charger is now indicating full charge and it still won't start...obviously the basics tells us it can only be 3 things, Fuel, Air, or Spark. And I saw the plugs sparking. Nothing restricting air, so when I get home I'm gonna look into fuel system. if it was timing wouldn't it still pop and spit like it was trying to start instead of just dry cranking?
Fuel air and spark are all well and good, if they are happening at the right time, that's where the Ecu comes into play and that is governed by sensors, if a faulty sensor is telling the Ecu to the spark at the wrong time or inconsistently, then the bike will not run, no matter how much electrical power is fed to the bike.
Does anyone have any input on either of these pumps? Do they just swap out from the pump assembly? Anything I should look for or do when swapping out?
if you pull the pipe off the fuel in the fuel rail will come out but no fuel should come out from the fuel pump side, when putting the ignition on (no cranking) and during cranking the pressure should stay the same, about 42 or more psi, your gauge should register the pump pressure, if it doesn’t and you 100% know that your gauge is ok, then you may have found your problem.Finally got around to doing a fuel pressure test today. When i took the hose off the pump fuel poured out, is that normal? I feel like it shouldnt flow unless on? When i hooked the pressure tester up and turned the bike on, a little fuel trickeled out of the pump into the cleat tubing, i feel like that should pressurize the line right? Then when cranking fuel just trickled out and still woulnt fill the tube, gauge stayed at 0 psi. Here's a video i took on my cell phone . Looks like a dead pump to me unless im doing something wrong.