2009 'busa hump


Hi everyone,
I am trading my '07 in for a '09 on Tuesday, getting the white one w/blue stripes. Was wondering, does the '09 come with the hump? Salesperson said it didn't but the suzuki webside shows it. Also, does anyone have the PowerCommander V w/AutoTune and does it make a difference to have the AutoTune w/the PowerCommander V? Thanks!! Can't wait to get my new '09!!!!!! Will post pictures as soon as I figure out how to.

run away from the dealer.. or your salesman will take u for a ride.. every bike comes with an accesory box that has the grab bar and HUMP, the box will have the vin number for the bike too. with color code. FYI said box comes inside the pallet with the bike. have thedealer open the bike for you...in front off you.. bet they also ask for a bike set up fee
Very nice, looking forward to the pics. And yes, it does come with the hump.
run away from the dealer.. or your salesman will take u for a ride.. every bike comes with an accesory box that has the grab bar and HUMP, the box will have the vin number for the bike too. with color code. FYI said box comes inside the pallet with the bike. have thedealer open the bike for you...in front off you.. bet they also ask for a bike set up fee

+1 even if the bike is already out of the crate, the hump should come with it. Maybe there tyring to sell it seperatly...
+1 even if the bike is already out of the crate, the hump should come with it. Maybe there tyring to sell it seperatly...

There have been alot of deealer trying to this. If he is going to try and give you the shaft go elsewere. Tell everyone knows ALL GSX-R's,Busa's and M109's come with the seatcowl.
In the crate, the box on the left hand side at the rear of the bike has the HUMP in it. If they can't produce it, find another dealer!

Jim's BUSA 007.jpg
In the crate, the box on the left hand side at the rear of the bike has the HUMP in it. If they can't produce it, find another dealer!
actually all Suzuki's come with them...the ones that have them anyway....if they cant produce it i would show them this picture and tell them you are more then happy to call Suzuki North America and let them know what they are up too...if that doesnt produce your hump go elsewhere!
congrats on the new bike, post some pics when ya get it.
In the crate, the box on the left hand side at the rear of the bike has the HUMP in it. If they can't produce it, find another dealer!

As perfectly demonstrated by CCbusa05:beerchug: yes they come with the hump. Just picked my K9 up last week and the dealer gave me that box shown in the pic with my hump in. One thing i have noticed is that in the UK they don't come with the side reflectors that you guys over the pond dearly love:wink:

Thanks guys!!! What about the black rail? I don't remember seeing it on the '09 in the showroom. Did Suzuki not include it?
I thought i had a pic of passenger grab rail but cant find .It is Color matched to bike.:beerchug:
