2010 Busa fuel prime issue..

Hey guys, first post with this new bike..had fuel injection bikes before, never had this though..this could honestly be a Hayabusa normal thing to you guys..Ok when I first start the bike cold, I turn key/kill to on..clutch in..then you hear fuel pump kick in then prime and shut off, all good so far..the thing is this is my bike 70% of the time..the other 30% of the time, I can fire it up when it gargles the last 30% of the fuel prime but it runs rough for the first 10 seconds until obviously the fuel line continues correct pressure..I know this I probably a vapour lock or bubbles in the fuel or temp drop issue has anyone ever had this ? The last 40-50% of the initial fuel pump prime it sounds more like a gargle instead..bike runs 100% mint after warm up, no other issues at at all, best forum I’ve seen for die hard Busa riders, thanks for any help or comments..Keith
Weak pump or clogged lines/filter.
Welcome, what year bike?
It's in the heading . . . 2010.
Welcome along, as Mr Brown said, the fuel system is the first port of call to check over.
Check fuel pressure and fuel delivery rate.
Also, the search function here on the forum is your friend.
Tell us more about your bike, the history, how long you have had it etc . . Oh and post up pics, and a vid of the start up issue if you can!
Thanks guys, I’ve owned this bike 2 weeks. The bike runs amazing everytime I ride it..I maybe think I have a low battery also..12.67 volts at rest, don’t know when it was last replaced..when I ride the bike and say stop for lunch I have no issue. The only time this happens is the first time I start it for the day..doesn’t do this every time..the best way to describe this is the pump kicks on for 3-4 seconds the last 5-6 seconds of the prime it makes a swishing noise..likes bubbles in the fuel line. Been riding 25 years..only had a few fuel injection bikes.. The bike fires right up then for 10-15 seconds of stumble it idles and runs fine. Like its working out the air in the fuel line?? Just wondering if I have a loose fuel injection connection ? after 24-36 hours loses seal maybe..and when I turn on the bike it pumps the air let in from somewhere into the fuel injector rail..I don’t want to touch the bike cause it’s a minor issue and otherwise this bike flys..but has anyone else had this and ran the bike for years like this ?
It's in the heading . . . 2010.
Welcome along, as Mr Brown said, the fuel system is the first port of call to check over.
Check fuel pressure and fuel delivery rate.
Also, the search function here on the forum is your friend.
Tell us more about your bike, the history, how long you have had it etc . . Oh and post up pics, and a vid of the start up issue if you can!
My bad, I guess I overlooked it....