2011 Fall Bash Attendance Thread

Been off the board for awhile now. Ended up moving to MD..

So if anyone is willing to tow for gas $$ (me and the bike) down for the bash. Or just the bike (will follow in the vette). Kinda hard to put the Bike on the car LOL... Im living near Annapolis MD now so shoot me a message if ya can.. My days are flexible

has anybody have a head count on how many people will be at the bash? who's stayin at Phillip's Motel?
Getting closer. :D Ordered some Michelin Pilot Power 2CT tonight, got a 190 55 rear, cant wait to get them on. :) See ya soon Twobrothersbusa. :D
I am gonn weld up my rack for my luggage hard case this weekend and get the universal luggage mount piece on :cheerleader: 20 days for me
For members who have stayed at Phillips before. How are the rooms like? I see on the Phillips page. There are a few different options.
For members who have stayed at Phillips before. How are the rooms like? I see on the Phillips page. There are a few different options.

The place is old, but homey, but that is where everyone likes to stay. The rooms are all different, meaning furniture, some one bed, two beds, and some have small kitchens with a living room. This is where you want to stay if you want to be with the group and hang out late. I have been staying there the last 6 years. I wouldnt stay anywhere else.
Has anyone call the Phillips lately to see if any rooms are left. I have been kind of holding off until it gets close enough to see about the weather.
Is anyone bringing a spouse that might be looking for a shopping trip or something besides riding? We plan on coming down Tuesday early and staying a couple of days before the weekend.
If they are booked let me know. I have a room reserved Thurs-Sun. Going to cancel this week sometime. We can work something out if needed.

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I might be able to make the weekend, but not 100% sure yet. Busa has the 2nd gear tranny problem and I'll have to get that taken care of ($$$). Usually stay with Jon but since he's not going will need a place. Anyone have spare space over the weekend? PM me.
Tom - sorry you won't be there.
Jon - Likewise
Dave/Angela - Won't quite be the Bash without the Diner...
I might be able to make the weekend, but not 100% sure yet. Busa has the 2nd gear tranny problem and I'll have to get that taken care of ($$$). Usually stay with Jon but since he's not going will need a place. Anyone have spare space over the weekend? PM me.
Tom - sorry you won't be there.
Jon - Likewise
Dave/Angela - Won't quite be the Bash without the Diner...
Cool so the pryo may be there!
i have room #108, i'll be there no spouse...i have an extra bed if anyone wants to pitch in for the room.
If anyone needs a room, we wont be making the trip this year. Room 109 at the Phillips is available if you want it.
i'm going to make it! i'll be rolling in with acehole on Thur for a weekend of fun :beerchug: looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some more new ones!!
I was emailing Jen with us129 photos. I asked her if we could get the 40 dollar deal for unlimited bash pictures. She said I need at least 10 people. I need 9 more :thumbsup: