2011 Midwest MNG - St. Louis

We will be out the door in about 15 minutes. We should be down there mid afternoon. We got a couple of stops to make on the way down, plus Katie having to stop every 30 miles to mark her territory. :thumbsup:
Looks like Mary and I will be unable to make it. Hope you have a great time and a safe ride. Will see you hopefully in Eureka Springs if not before.
I'm loaded up! Will be picking up Lurch in about 45 minutes! See you guys this evening! :beerchug:

The day is here... hehehehe! I can't sleep. I can't wait to see you guys. Yay! See you hopefully around 5:30/6.
Im still stuck at work and its almost 1am... hoping im able to make it down in the morning but dont hold me on it
Almost 3, and we're still up.. :D

Posted with my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk.

well, a couple of us were still awake (GsxrBots,Lurch,and myself)...woohoo, headed to breakfast in a few...wish you were all here :beerchug:
The group is off on the ride. I stayed back to help mrsBW get everything set up for the after ride party. I rode home in pouring rain, I hope they were able to stay south of it.
Unfortunately they got caught behind grampa moses right where we setup for pictures. The speed limit there is 55 mph.
