2012 Eureka Springs June 1-3

Has anybody ever stayed at the Roadrunner Inn ?

are all the rooms gone? we are still tentative..if anything we will be up around 2-3pm on saturday and stay sat night...will split room sat night possibly :-/ still try to get Aileen ninja 250 dialed in...gonna be last minute on this project.....carbs need cleaned...maybe busa only and we would leave dallas around 8am...about 6 hr drive...see where the chips fall!!!
Hey what am I chop liver!:whistle: I need a bed toooo....lol...saturday night if all works out..oh and I Do Own a Busa...unlike some people...I wont mention any names Bob!:beerchug: Hope to be able to see you all again. I will bring air mattrress in case I need to set up next to the pool!:thumbsup:
Hey what am I chop liver!:whistle: I need a bed toooo....lol...saturday night if all works out..oh and I Do Own a Busa...unlike some people...I wont mention any names Bob!:beerchug: Hope to be able to see you all again. I will bring air mattrress in case I need to set up next to the pool!:thumbsup:
You can bunk with us too no problem!:thumbsup:
Roadrunner Inn was booked solid !

Rode in at 6:10pm






Still trying to make it in sat afternoon..will know more tomorrow afternoon.
Uggghhhh just got home after a 16 hour day at work. Just now getting to sit down and eat. I got most everything packed just need to get it loaded on the bike, double check everything and then hopefully will get to leave work by 1 tomorrow so I can come home shower and get on the road. Then it is just a 5 hour ride down there. :please: