First thing to determine is if the “burning oil” is coming up from the bottom end or down from the top end or is it something outside the engine like air filter or something other. Don’t take all compression tests to the bank, if the compression rings are in good shape and the oil is coming past the oil control rings or down a valve guide the compression will be normal or in most cases the compression could 10 - 20 psi higher. The right amount of compression is created by several factors with the rings and cylinder and the right amount of oil on the cylinder so if a cylinder has more oil than required then you will have more compression. Same works for the opposite if you have a good engine and you wash down the cylinders and the oil is removed then the engine will have very low compression because there’s no oil there to create a ring seal so it is a good idea to read compression but normal compression or high compression or low compression does not pin point the problem exactly. You can also do a leak down test with a leak down tester, similar to a compression test but your putting 30 psi into the cylinder and take a small vacuum hose with one end stuck in your ear the other end put in the crankcase (oil fill cap), throttle bodies and exhaust. If there’s a ring issue you may hear more air in the oil fill cap on one cylinder than the others. If there’s a suspicion the rings didn’t seat properly which I don’t always agree with because I am a professional engine builder with several hundred engine builds under my belt but I will clarify none were motorcycle engines except one HD, anyway if you want to try seating the rings change oil to either a break-in oil or straight 30w crude oil (no synthetic whatsoever) and then drive harder than normal but no need to hang it off the rev limiter but keep it loaded meaning lots of acceleration (cruising will not seat rings). Forcing the rings out against the cylinders with excessive pressure will allow the rings to seat. Rings do not seat by just the spring tension built into the rings, they need to see acceleration so the combustion will go down the ring land and make its way behind the rings forcing them against the cylinder. Anyway I’m getting long winded here but I do advise you to look outside the engine for the issue and don’t point fingers at the engine to early because I find it hard to believe a high performance engine with such low miles has an internal problem so do your homework or take it to a professional and just because it’s a dealership does not make the mechanic a professional. Most rings always seat but I have a couple engines that I’ve had to treat harsh to get them to seat.