2d Amendment Posters

Mattstang please don't slander Hk like that.
Whoever made the poster can't spell !

Their moto is Form Follows Function and see the gun depicted is a new anti Taliban pistol they have been working on .
Plan is to let them 'fall off the back of a truck' and when they go to launch a surprise attack on us well SURPRISE !

<-----------who needs sights when you have a 20 round mag. take THAT you pesky protesters

<--- it's safe cuz we took out the magazines:laugh:
BIG GUY not all agree with our stance or humor.
pinning wont happen, i dont think...

I love it..

Cannot believe Mayor Nagin (think thats spelled correct) could be so stupid while smilin'
I agree with you Blanca, but some of the things that they have pinned in my eyes is just plain stupid and that I don't agree with. This is a subject that a lot of us like to talk about and is a major hobby that we enjoy. So why is it that it won't get pinned?
Thanks for posting up that video. Sure wish I could get my hands on that sweet little piece of machinery.
I agree with you Blanca, but some of the things that they have pinned in my eyes is just plain stupid and that I don't agree with. This is a subject that a lot of us like to talk about and is a major hobby that we enjoy. So why is it that it won't get pinned?

pm a person in blue, only way to get answer, posting it in here will probably be a smackdown everntually.
I agree with you Blanca, but some of the things that they have pinned in my eyes is just plain stupid and that I don't agree with. This is a subject that a lot of us like to talk about and is a major hobby that we enjoy. So why is it that it won't get pinned?

just saying. :whistle:

nothing can come of it either way by posting in here. pm a mod and ask if you want an answer/results