2nd gear trouble?


He all,
i recently purchased an 04 busa with 5200 miles.A day or two ago i am noticing a sudden jerk at the top of second around 9 grand.Kinda felt like a chain slip grip? Checked chain,tightened a little and it persists.new chain and sprockets so i figured that surely wasn't the prob.And it only does it in second at top of gear under full throttle,no other gears.Any ideas?
He all,
i recently purchased an 04 busa with 5200 miles.A day or two ago i am noticing a sudden jerk at the top of second around 9 grand.Kinda felt like a chain slip grip? Checked chain,tightened a little and it persists.new chain and sprockets so i figured that surely wasn't the prob.And it only does it in second at top of gear under full throttle,no other gears.Any ideas?


Usually it is a bent shift shaft, shift fork, or rounded engagement dogs on a gear, or the combination of. It is not exclusive the busas and it is a bit too common.

Here is a search string for some reading:


Usually it is a bent shift shaft, shift fork, or rounded engagement dogs on a gear, or the combination of. It is not exclusive the busas and it is a bit too common.

Here is a search string for some reading:


+1000...yeah...what he said! Same thing and unfortunately a totally tranny tear down to make right. Suggest the Evo shift kit by Factory Pro as an addition to the tranny parts you will be replacing...that's what I'm doing. Good Luck! :beerchug:

Oh, and Welcome!!
He all,
i recently purchased an 04 busa with 5200 miles.A day or two ago i am noticing a sudden jerk at the top of second around 9 grand.Kinda felt like a chain slip grip? Checked chain,tightened a little and it persists.new chain and sprockets so i figured that surely wasn't the prob.And it only does it in second at top of gear under full throttle,no other gears.Any ideas?
Your bikes telling you to start saving for some tranny work.....thats the classic symptom of second gear saying goodbye :banghead:

Usually it is a bent shift shaft, shift fork, or rounded engagement dogs on a gear, or the combination of. It is not exclusive the busas and it is a bit too common.

Here is a search string for some reading:


My 06 was doing the samething and the Professor hit it right on the money cause thats what my problem was a bent shift fork and i also got my second gear undercut while i was inside of her
Thats the same thing mine was doing. Just like others have said, your tranny is crying for help. I would also recommend getting atleast your second gear undercut. It allows more teeth to interlock making it stronger.
Mine did the same thing and the shift fork and gear dogs were worn. My mechanic said to make sure you don't rest your foot on the shifter while riding because it wears out the shift fork.
Let's see if I can post a pic...

Trans Parts 1.JPG
Looks like I'll be doing this really soon, my left rattles and clanks & the tranny jerks in 2nd between 4-6k I just shift earlier in second. Was going to get a used/refurbished tranny for 350 and pay a shop to switch it out, around $850 total. Then if I undercut it probally add more money to that.
Looks like I'll be doing this really soon, my left rattles and clanks & the tranny jerks in 2nd between 4-6k I just shift earlier in second. Was going to get a used/refurbished tranny for 350 and pay a shop to switch it out, around $850 total. Then if I undercut it probally add more money to that.

where you located?
Mine started doing this also. I just bought the bike in March with 0 miles on it. Can they wear out that fast? I first noticed it around 1000 miles. I hope its under warranty.
Looks like I'll be doing this really soon, my left rattles and clanks & the tranny jerks in 2nd between 4-6k I just shift earlier in second. Was going to get a used/refurbished tranny for 350 and pay a shop to switch it out, around $850 total. Then if I undercut it probally add more money to that.

You can get one rebuilt and undercut for about 3-350$ plus shipping. Basically everyone sends the trannys to Orient to get undercut. Rumor has they are one of the only ones that does undercutting according to Schnitz.
Mine started doing this also. I just bought the bike in March with 0 miles on it. Can they wear out that fast? I first noticed it around 1000 miles. I hope its under warranty.
Maybe, maybe not. It depends upon your dealer and the Suzuki rep. Suzuki and the dealers usually like to blame tranny probs like that on rider abuse ::9 Being as you're mileage is so low tho, you might have a warranty shot.
That is a good sign of a bent fork. Notice that wear pattern. The gear should not touch there if the fork is straight.

Mine did the same thing and the shift fork and gear dogs were worn. My mechanic said to make sure you don't rest your foot on the shifter while riding because it wears out the shift fork.
Let's see if I can post a pic...

Will pre-loading the shift lever just prior to shifting do any harm?
It sure makes for a nice crisp upshift.
Fast by Gast I think does their own in house as does R and D? $110 to $400 depending on which gears and which directions... FULL undercut up/down is almost $700

Mine goes out this winter too...
Will pre-loading the shift lever just prior to shifting do any harm?
It sure makes for a nice crisp upshift.
anything that loads the forks can accelerate wear.. if you are doing this for every shift all the time? probably not a good idea, if just for drag racing? probably not so bad but you should think about an air shifter I would think..
Will pre-loading the shift lever just prior to shifting do any harm?
It sure makes for a nice crisp upshift.

Not really, at least not by itself. I foot shifted mine that way for a complete season in 2006. When I pulled it all down after the 2007 season, my transmission parts looked better than the ones pictured here. It still shifted flawlessly, but I had R&D work over a spare unit I had.

Key words in your statement are "just prior" and I wouldn't use excessive pressure.