2nd gear wheelies


well boys over the past week i've mastered clutching 2nd up on the busa. everyone said that you can't stunt the busa but f*** them all. i'll post some pics tomorrow. and to all you guys that are thinking "why clutch when you can throttle?" 2 reasons...... 6'3" 275, most of which is in my upper body, and you can't throttle the busa at 30 mph, in second anyway...... thanks for listening to my my little ego, brag session. james
Lots of people around here you must not be talking with.



spend 20 bucks on a 16 tooth countershaft sprocket and you won't need your clutch. THere are lots of members enjoy wheelies... I am one of em'.
Just be careful bro... you break 100mph in SECOND GEAR!!! I had a kind of close call today. I did a wheelie in first, shifted to second, and when I was doing around a hundredish, the wind got a hold of me and was pushing me to the other lane. I made the wise decision to bring 'er down, but when it landed, the wheels weren't *completely* aligned, so I got a bit of a wobble... Nothing bad happened, but once again, the busa told me who's boss around here
Btw, I also enjoy wheelies a LOT. I *try* not to wheelie on the busa though... too big and heavy, and too much power... too fast... (that's what I keep the SV650 around for
Wheelies on your busa is a kick. The reason for clutching up your busa in second is to get the ole girl nice and high at a slower speed. I can have my busa on her ears at fifty if I clutch her up in second, but if I use throttle, I'm doing at least 70 by the time I have her up high. Third gear seems to work best for me? I usually pick her up in low at about 30 mph (Easy on the drive train to pick her up in low) and quickly shift to second as she reaches about 10:30, bring her on up to the top and at about 8K turns I shift into third and let her settle in between 7 & 8 thousand turns which will be around 85 mph. You can just sit there at that speed as long as you want to ride and as long as the road is relatively straight of course. It's all about throttle control. I have been up to a buck twenty a number of times on the rear tire and up to a buck forty a couple of times, but I really see no need to go that fast. It's just so easy to hold her under a hundred and ride til you sweat

I much prefer my gixxer for wheelies though. The problem with the busa is she's so heavy, if you get off your game just slightly allowing the front to drop, especially in third gear you don't have the snort to pick her back up and you'll loose your wheelie. You have to save more throttle to bring your busa down gently than you do on a liter bike. The busa is a kick though. Feels like you have an elephant in the air when she is all the way up.

We want to see those pictures though! Nice and tall. If you can still see over the windscreen, you aren't up nearly high enough
If you have her up and balanced you'll be looking around the side somewhere between the mirror and the handle bar, according to where you are sitting on the seat and how fast you're going? Don't crash, it can be a rough ride?
Hey Thrasherfox, I'll be happy to give you lessons!

How much does it pay
i'm not talking about people around this board.... just others who swear you can't do wheelies on a busa. all the douche bags that swear that it can't wheelie, can't handle, and can't keep up with their bikes. i will admit though i can still see over the windscreen..... i must still have too much pucker control
I beg to differ james. I'm 6'5" and 275lbs and I can throttle her up in 2nd gear from 30mph. I'm usually in the 30 to 35mph range in second, and then I whack the throttle. It comes up real nice and smooth. Now that I've got a few more ponies with the full exhaust, PCIIIr, and custom map from JC, that thing comes up a little quicker, but it's still smooth as a babie's ass.
Hey thrash dont feel bad i cant wheelie either... when i get the gumption and wack it open the burnout and tail swingin around usually scare the shid out of me.
40 in second only gives me wheel spin, not much into the wheelie scene but its impressive. I think I am gearing mine more towards the 1/4 mile. I just like the pull of a launch:)
thats what happens everytime I try to clutch it up. Can get it with throttle all day long but everytime I try to clutch the back just spins and kicks out on me.
Now I'm not saying Bacharles can't lift his busa in second gear with a twist of the throttle at 30 mph but I will say I'll have to see that one to believe it, if she has stock gearing. My busa is up three in the rear and I can't do that! At 30 mph in second you are only turning 2500 rpm or so and she just doesn't have enough torque to lift it up at low rpm. However, if you pin the throttle at 2500 and hold it there, she will probably lift off when you reach 5K turns or so. Or if you can get that 275 lbs back onto the passenger seat you may make it. Just have to see it, that's all.

If you are spinning the tire on clutch wheelies, you are either giving it to much throttle while snapping the clutch to quickly or cold rear tire. Try dropping your tire pressure down to 30 psi. That will give you better traction plus it will make your busa more stable when she is up! I had a set of Dunlap 208's on my 03 busa and I couldn't life the tire until the tires got toasty warm. She would just spin them every time. So tires have a great deal to do with wheel spin. However, the BT014's will lift her up as soon as she is out of the driveway.
i would have to admit, i can't throttle second up on my baby. i've tried it at 3k and tried it at 7k. tried bouncing it and i got about two inches off the ground. clutching it has been the only way to steadily and consistently get her up in second. however if anyone can use just the throttle at 30 mph i'd like to see it and even learn. keep in mind, i have pc3r and full exhaust, stock gearing.....
Jamesnismo, you can pull her up in second with power and stock gearing but you have to do it just right or it's a no go. Run her up to about 55 mph under throttle so the front is a bit light, as soon as she hits 55 chop the throttle and throw your upper body weight down on the bars compressing the forks as far as possible. In the same motion jerk hard on the bars and open the throttle to the stop. You can do it with your butt all the way back on the seat but I prefer to start with the family jewels compressed against the tank and as I thrust up on the bars I take the weight off my butt slightly by pushing on the foot pegs and quickly thursting my caboose all the way to the rear and as she is coming up I scoot myself back up to the tank. It takes a little practice but it works quite well. However, clutching her up is by far the easiest way to get her up. I even clutch her up in low. I much prefer picking her up in low and quickly shifting to second. If you'll go up three teeth on the back, she will be much easier to wheelie.
No power up in second for me either, 190lbs and 6'5". 2nd clutch up fun when the rear doesn't spin!
It finally cot cool enough here for Suzi to start making some real ponies. WOT in 1st or 2nd results in a power wheelie. Butt against the hump of course.