Now I'm not saying Bacharles can't lift his busa in second gear with a twist of the throttle at 30 mph but I will say I'll have to see that one to believe it, if she has stock gearing. My busa is up three in the rear and I can't do that! At 30 mph in second you are only turning 2500 rpm or so and she just doesn't have enough torque to lift it up at low rpm. However, if you pin the throttle at 2500 and hold it there, she will probably lift off when you reach 5K turns or so. Or if you can get that 275 lbs back onto the passenger seat you may make it. Just have to see it, that's all.
If you are spinning the tire on clutch wheelies, you are either giving it to much throttle while snapping the clutch to quickly or cold rear tire. Try dropping your tire pressure down to 30 psi. That will give you better traction plus it will make your busa more stable when she is up! I had a set of Dunlap 208's on my 03 busa and I couldn't life the tire until the tires got toasty warm. She would just spin them every time. So tires have a great deal to do with wheel spin. However, the BT014's will lift her up as soon as she is out of the driveway.