3 accidents in 4 years - Decisions, decisons

Man keep riding...i go down on my busa and said f#%k it...im gonna black it out and forget lookin pretty....lol..im almost prepared for pavement when i ride it..im a great rider but sometimes u get those stretches where it seems like u cant win...so i embrace it....good luck!!!
you say your a tough SOB. if so, get back in the saddle. your not dead yet.

"Do not exist, Live!" -author unknown to me

also there is an apparent steal of the slowest color:whistle: that you are seeking in the GEN II forums.

If you can look at theskaz sig for more than three sheet turns than you are good to get back in the saddle and forget the rest.:laugh:
I recently had a horriable experience and went back to the scene of the crime and spent the night, and have done so many times since, you either let the event define you, or you define the way you live after the event. Its just the way me and the wife have decided to define what happened. Life is all good after you make a choice, right or wrong you must carry on.
Perfect example of whats wrong with the world today, every1 wants to SUE, SUE, SUE

someone runs u down u won't sue cause most insurance don't give u back what u got in the bike thats not even taking injuries sometimes life time injuries into consideration???

But I understand where u are coming from a man breaks into ur house an gets injured in the process ex.. fell from skylight or something they have sued an got money from the home owners insurance thats one thing but getting something cause some asshat txting or eating crap behind the wheel runs u down big difference
Drunk driver.....no insurance, had 2 warrants for his arrest, and was hit and run...got 6 tickets....my insurance will cover...under the uninsured motorist. The accident before...only $25,000....I was not looking to make money. It was pain and suffering from torn acl. The accident before was a hit and run....again my insurance had to deal with it....they end up finding the guy....again...he had no insurance....sucks. People forget you buy a bike....put custom stuff on it....even when you are hit and it is total lost...they don't pay you for all the loss of the custom stuff on your bike as well as the worth of the bike....You do lose money on you bike after it is totalled. You aren't making money.

make sure you let the ins. know what you are putting on then they will cover it at a raise in premium of course. Thats the only way I know to make sure you are fully covered. Get the bike they always say it comes in 3s well there was number 3 your good for a while. :thumbsup:
Got rear ended twice? Do you sit at a light with the brakes off? I know lot's of people who do that and seeing them get rear ended because of it is a very real danger. I have my brake on the entire time I'm stopped at a traffic signal. I have a modulated flasher from Back-Off on both of my bikes. Some of my friends have gone with HyperLights and a flasher. And don't say "but my hand hurts after a minute of holding the brake". Use the foot brake or find a way to make you hand stronger. :whistle:

I also ride with a headlight modulator on my lowbeam and it works! It someone doesn't see me they are worse than legally blind.
Could I ask what might be effecting your bad odds? Were these accidents at night? Daylight? Location? Any discernable pattern that you could just plain ol avoid?

Ok guys, let me be clear here. It is not my habits. I don't have bad habits.

Accident 1# This guy that does not have insurance follows me for a 1/2 mile through residential area, speed around 30. I stopped at a 3 way stop sign. Before I can go and turn right at stop sign. The guy that followed me for a 1/2 mile was on his cell phone and he stated that he "forgot" that I was in front of him decided to go and hit me on my bike.

Accident 2# I was stopped in traffic and "again" a woman on her cell phone came up and hit me from behind. She was talking and not paying attention on her cell phone.

Accident 3# I was following my friend and we were in in the fast lane and a car was in the slow lane. All of us have a green light and going through the light. Drunk driver ran the red light and did not have head lights on...it was at night. Drunk driver hit car to our right and than hit us on our bikes.

ALL of these situations, I could not avoid being hit. It was not my fault. I cannot control cagers talking on cell phones and not paying attention and hitting me when I am stopped. If you are going through a green light, how can I avoid that accident as well? Drunk driver ran red light and hit car than hit my buddies bike and my bike at the same time. So you see.....it was not my fault in any of these situations. There is nothing that I can change to stop someone from hitting me. If there was a issue of "ME", I would change ME.....but I cannot change ME when it was not me that caused these accidents.
Get out of Columbus! Move down state by me and all you have to worry about are deer!
Being hit at a stop sign or light can be avoided by staying in 1st gear and checking mirrors until the car behind you comes to a complete stop. Then inch up a little more to create a cushion between him and you. I see alot of guys i ride with stop, neutral and then never check their mirrors...
Also when i stop behind a car, i am positioned to the side in case i need to make a quick getaway and to avoid being "sandwhiched" between two cars.
Just my 2 pennies
If you are having personal doubts about riding DON"T RIDE, until the doubts go away.
Ok guys, let me be clear here. It is not my habits. I don't have bad habits.

Accident 1# This guy that does not have insurance follows me for a 1/2 mile through residential area, speed around 30. I stopped at a 3 way stop sign. Before I can go and turn right at stop sign. The guy that followed me for a 1/2 mile was on his cell phone and he stated that he "forgot" that I was in front of him decided to go and hit me on my bike.

Accident 2# I was stopped in traffic and "again" a woman on her cell phone came up and hit me from behind. She was talking and not paying attention on her cell phone.

Accident 3# I was following my friend and we were in in the fast lane and a car was in the slow lane. All of us have a green light and going through the light. Drunk driver ran the red light and did not have head lights on...it was at night. Drunk driver hit car to our right and than hit us on our bikes.

ALL of these situations, I could not avoid being hit. It was not my fault. I cannot control cagers talking on cell phones and not paying attention and hitting me when I am stopped. If you are going through a green light, how can I avoid that accident as well? Drunk driver ran red light and hit car than hit my buddies bike and my bike at the same time. So you see.....it was not my fault in any of these situations. There is nothing that I can change to stop someone from hitting me. If there was a issue of "ME", I would change ME.....but I cannot change ME when it was not me that caused these accidents.

I can understand that you might be senstive about me asking the question - but never accused you of anything was just looking for anything - related to you or not - that seemed to put you at bad odds. No offense meant.

Being hit at a stop sign or light can be avoided by staying in 1st gear and checking mirrors until the car behind you comes to a complete stop. Then inch up a little more to create a cushion between him and you. I see alot of guys i ride with stop, neutral and then never check their mirrors...
Also when i stop behind a car, i am positioned to the side in case i need to make a quick getaway and to avoid being "sandwhiched" between two cars.
Just my 2 pennies

Great advice:beerchug:
Accident 3# I was following my friend and we were in in the fast lane and a car was in the slow lane. All of us have a green light and going through the light. Drunk driver ran the red light and did not have head lights on...it was at night. Drunk driver hit car to our right and than hit us on our bikes.

Sounds like you've been lucky in all three of your accidents but accident 3 you were extremely lucky. If that other car in the slow lane wasn't there to take the initial impact you and your friend may not have walked away from that accident.

That's one of my biggest fears about night driving is you get a lot more drunk drivers on the road. Well, until I moved to Vegas and realized that that they had drunk drivers getting arrested in the mid morning and mid afternoon so now there's really no safe time to drive. :(

Good luck with your decision.
First of all, chill out. We're not attacking you, just trying to better understand the situations.

On wreck 3 it sounds like there is nothing that would have helped short of not riding that night.

Wrecks 1 & 2 were at a stop. A modulating taillight will get far more attention from people that approach from behind. Also, watching the cars behind you until they come to a complete stop can give you a chance to react if they aren't slowing down.
Posted via Mobile Device
I think if you're posting on the forum asking for our opinion, that says a lot about where your heart is on the matter.
First of all, chill out. We're not attacking you, just trying to better understand the situations.

On wreck 3 it sounds like there is nothing that would have helped short of not riding that night.

Wrecks 1 & 2 were at a stop. A modulating taillight will get far more attention from people that approach from behind. Also, watching the cars behind you until they come to a complete stop can give you a chance to react if they aren't slowing down.
Posted via Mobile Device

I am sorry, I did not take people's advice as hostile. I was just trying to let you guys know that I really was not in the situation that I felt my actions were causing this. I know when people read text on here...people don't know your tone sometimes. I love this idea.....the modulating tail light. I think that would be the mod that I would definitely have installed. Thank you very much for this suggestion......something I can DO that might help from getting smacked in the back.......today is a new day. I have gone through all my receipts from paypal....I have like almost $4,000.00 in custom parts/mods that I have installed on that busa that I had....I hope my insurance company will reimburse me on all of these parts. That would be a great help with the cost of bike and cost of parts.
I put that modulator on my taillight for that exact reason....And I rarely ride at night both because of who is out on the road (drunks, critters) and visibility (mine and everyone who might not see me). Doesn't mean that I can't still get taken out at God's will.