I was just speculating on the freeze plugs popping out after a couple of cold nights,But he did say the freeze plugs where corroded due to the Super coolant ,as he he put it, And yea I dont buy the whole pressure drop between the cyl.s BS,At any rate I will get an itemized bill and not leave until I understand what I paid for and the reason for the parts.I'm pretty good at picking up on someones BS and I'll know if he's feeding my more than my fair share.I know some mechanics feed a little BS for that extra few dollars and I except that,but when it is excessive the line has got to be drawn.
Mr. Bogus they did tell me plugs looked good,they were clean and no signs of fouling or lean conditions.But that was BS too, I expect...
Hey...! thanks guys for your help and your ears,hope none of ya'll have to endure what I have.