For the money....330 OSD is the KING for ride and show. A 240is ok but will have a slight offset appearance. A 300 will have a jackshaft and TWO chains to deal with all the time. The 330 OSD is balanced, one chain, a 330 you can rock thru the turnes ONCE you learn it and find that you can man handle it thru the curve.

You will feel the diff...on the 300 due to the jackshaft, you must be stretched at least 8 over...that where the handling diff comes from.
The 330 OSD can be 4 over to 12. I use to rock my old 330crapshaft 9 over thru switchbacks, but now Im 7 over and OSD....still rocking it thru the curves but with less work to do so.
If your the hard core everyday must drag knee....dont go over the 240 rear. BUT for the occational still lover the curves and knee down...330 is the max. A crazy 360 just that, for around the block and show.