500 million dollar memorial



Ok....Im not taking ANYTHING AWAY from the victims of 9/11.
But $500 million?? Shouldnt the money go to education for the children and families that fell victim to 9/11?
How about supporting the families of the soldiers that are fighting the war that 9/11 started??

I think a memorial should be built, but I think that is WAY to much money to be spent. Especially when our school systems SUCK ASS!
flame away!
No flaming from me. I agree. A true memorial would be concrete efforts to prevent a tragedy like 9-11 from happening again. Why don't we send the 500 million to California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas and beef up our thin ranks in the border patrol?
I agree Carrie...SO many suffer and have experienced loss at the hand of terrible things, yet so much focus goes toward those that we lost on 9/11.

Don't misread me, 9/11 forever changed my life...I was glued to the TV and all things 9/11 just like the rest of America, I fear for my children and questioned why I would have more when our world seemed to be such a horrible place that day, but we have victims of much larger disasters than we could ever possibly imagine (thinking of the tsunami victims last Christmas, soldiers laying their lives on the line every single day) and yet some AMERICANS want more...more...more...

Think we should be making a memorial to every person that dies at the hands of a madman?  Guess we'll be doling out a WHOLE LOT of cash then...9/11 isn't the only tragedy in the world...

We're a pretty selfish society...every day Americans don't know what suffering is, including myself...go ahead, start the yelling...

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I PERSONALLY think the Memorial should have been done for FREE.
Spend the money on our future (our kids and grandkids)...we don't need a $500 million dollar wall to remind us of what happened. Im sure we could spend a little less and still get the same effect!
I don't think a $500 million dollar memorial is necessary at all...put the money to a better use...
An even better memorial to 9/11 would be to rebuild the two building taller than before, if I were one of the victims that what I would want.
An even better memorial to 9/11 would be to rebuild the two building taller than before, if I were one of the victims that what I would want.
That's what Trump wants to do...best idea yet! But, alas, there's too much infighting amongst the victims' families to agree to that...
An even better memorial to 9/11 would be to rebuild the two building taller than before, if I were one of the victims that what I would want.
Im ok with that if the time materials and labor are either donated instead of money....or better yet

Make all those little terrorist f*cks that we have in custody rebuild it. Of course they would have shock collars on their necks and gaurded by evil german trained gaurd dogs~~!!!

And to make sure they cant leak information to their boys back home. No incoming or outgoing mail. no phone calls no nothing. Padded cells with no windows and no other fresh air except when they are rebuilding what they dystroyed. I mean we teach our kids to clean up their messes. Why not these a**holes!
I like your attitude Carrie. But that should be just the start. We should make these animals suffer for the rest of their natural life.
Oh believe me I know....Ive been talking to some people from work today about this...thinking they would fight me on this one. (a lot of the guys here are from VMI or just ex military)
I was surprised when everyone agreed saying that is just way too much money to spend.
Everyone knows that the money being spent is being used to stop the families from bankrupting the airline industry with lawsuits. Things will change once the statue of limitations approaches.
An even better memorial to 9/11 would be to rebuild the two building taller than before, if I were one of the victims that what I would want.
Absolutely agree. Except 4 buildings, instead of 2. All larger individually than the originals.

Forget about putting the money in the school system, it's already over-funded and throwing money at problems doesn't make them better.