57 MPG on a Gen II?!

I've read about 5 other threads where people have tested this out repeatedly and no significant gains in mpg were seen by using B or C mode. ???

I suppose it's possible that some folks didn't see gains, but there are soooo many variables involved with gas mileage it's just not worth the argument. I absolutely saw big gains in mpg, but add the fact that I was only in mode C while traveling the highway for long periods. Heck, even in A or B I would have seen an increase. It's moot for me now, as I get horrible gas mileage on the track and LOVE IT!!! :laugh:
28 MPG riding like a complete @55 in and out of the triple digits, WFO away from every light, ect...

Way better than my truck which gets 14-15 MPG regardless of how I drive
And who really cares about the mpgs...really?

Unless your concern is running too rich or something along those lines, it's kinda like dating a stripper, then being mad when she goes and does her job.

I have often wondered the same thing. Great line BTW...I'm gonna steal that!
I care about MPG as I use my Gen II for my 120 mile commute to work 5 times a week. Just because I ride a Hayabusa does not mean that I go balls out all the time. As a matter of fact, I put on a cruise control, corbin seats, helibars, 39T rear sprocket and love the ride. Despite all those comfortable mods, my trip to the Dragon this past weekend was still great and I had a blast. Not to mention the ride there was comfortable and not cramped.

Anyway, to each their own and enjoy your bike.
Hate to burst some bubbles of 50+ MPG on GEN busas.
I thought the samething UNTIL I put a GPS to compare to speedo.
Well to be exact it was almost 8% off. I was seeing 47 MPG running on the interstate
Well now that my Speedo has been calibrated with the SPEEDODRD dead on accurate
I get my accurate MPG. Say you got 50MPG with calibrating your speedo take 8% off of that and you get 4MPG off which equals 46.
On the average riding I am geting 37MPG and I ride fairly hard.

When I checked against a GPS the odometer was real close but the speed was off 7% at 100 mph. Corrected it with a SpeedoHealer and now my odometer reads less than the GPS. I use the GPS to figure mileage. I average 40-42 mpg with 17/44 gearing and a Brocks ShortMeg tuned with ECUeditor.
Once again, my Hayabusa is dual purpose for transportation 600 miles a week to work and playing in the hills on the weekend. I live about an hour from the Dragon and frequent it and the Skyway on a regular basis. Despite the changes I have made to the bike to make it more comfortable and get better MPG, it is still fun in the twisties.

I also use a SpeedoDRD to calibrate the speedometer to be spot on with a GPS. I often get more than 50 MPG during my commute and am very happy with that. This is a consistent measurement as well, not just a once in a while type thing.

To each their own and I am glad you like your gearing and MPG, but I am always looking for optimum performance in the twisties and on the super slab.
Once again, my Hayabusa is dual purpose for transportation 600 miles a week to work and playing in the hills on the weekend. I live about an hour from the Dragon and frequent it and the Skyway on a regular basis. Despite the changes I have made to the bike to make it more comfortable and get better MPG, it is still fun in the twisties.

I also use a SpeedoDRD to calibrate the speedometer to be spot on with a GPS. I often get more than 50 MPG during my commute and am very happy with that. This is a consistent measurement as well, not just a once in a while type thing.

To each their own and I am glad you like your gearing and MPG, but I am always looking for optimum performance in the twisties and on the super slab.

So, have you tried using the different modes to conserve? Does it make a difference?
I did, and there was a post on here specifically about that thought. I tested this in similar weather, over the exact same path that I travel in mode A (default). The result was there there was no difference between the modes and MPG. My ride is 90 miles of interstate and 30 miles of back roads every day.
I did, and there was a post on here specifically about that thought. I tested this in similar weather, over the exact same path that I travel in mode A (default). The result was there there was no difference between the modes and MPG. My ride is 90 miles of interstate and 30 miles of back roads every day.

That's why I asked and that's what I thought. I knew there were several discussions about it, I just didn't feel like searching. Just wanted confirmation in this thread. :thumbsup:

You need a closer job! :whistle: :laugh:
OP, sounds like you're right on par. while i was in school i clocked in 180 per day and was using 3 gallons of gas round trip at approx 75-78 mph constant.
and for the record i did try using B and C modes, and there was no difference unless you're comparing A mode WFO vs C mode WFO
And who really cares about the mpgs...really?

Unless your concern is running too rich or something along those lines, it's kinda like dating a stripper, then being mad when she goes and does her job.

Tracking MPGs from time to time is one of the best ways to track the overall health of your motorcyle. All problems are revealed in MPGs as it is the ultimate indicator of efficiency if you establish baselines. It will even tell you to put down the beer and brats because that 80 lbs you put on in the last five years will be revealed in MPGs. :beerchug:
Tracking MPGs from time to time is one of the best ways to track the overall health of your motorcyle. All problems are revealed in MPGs as it is the ultimate indicator of efficiency if you establish baselines. It will even tell you to put down the beer and brats because that 80 lbs you put on in the last five years will be revealed in MPGs. :beerchug:

Which is why I prefaced that statement with troubleshooting concerns...:beerchug: I just think it's counterproductive to be overly concerned with fuel efficiency on a 1340cc bike.
Considering that I used to drive a quad cab pu truck that got 14.5 mpg, my idea of an econo car was a mustang GT 18mpg-19 in town and 22-24 on the Highway...the 05 Hayabusa is a great fuel saver (shifting below 5000 rpms I get about 43 mpg...still not as great as the 61-63 mpg I was getting on the GS500F...but the busa is a lot more fun to ride:) )
With my "dumba**" riding habits I end up with about 23 MPG! :laugh: Never really thought about taking it easy on a tank of gas and see what she could get?
I get 36 to 38 MPG week in and week out. That is with a corrected speedometer with a 9% error. If you dont correct oyur speedo any results you are seeing are false. I have gotten 40 average on one 300 mile day but it was entirely interstate and no playing around.
I get 36 to 38 MPG week in and week out. That is with a corrected speedometer with a 9% error. If you dont correct oyur speedo any results you are seeing are false. I have gotten 40 average on one 300 mile day but it was entirely interstate and no playing around.

Yes, my speedometer is calibrated with GPS using the SPEEDODRD. If I remember correctly I had to use a 8.2% offset to be dead on with my 2009 with 3500 miles stock.
I get 36 to 38 MPG week in and week out. That is with a corrected speedometer with a 9% error. If you dont correct oyur speedo any results you are seeing are false. I have gotten 40 average on one 300 mile day but it was entirely interstate and no playing around.

I have my speedometer corrected using SpeedoDRD and set to true speed rated by a GPS. I have also swapped my rear sprocket from a 43 to a 39 and get 51-52 MPG on my 120 mile round trip commute.

I am at 17K miles and just purchased plugs and an air filter. Hoping that will get me near 55 MPG, but we will see. Also, when it comes time to swap the front sprocket I will go up to a 19 from 18 and maybe get into the 60's for MPG. For me, the bike pulled like a raped ape still and cruises like a Caddy.