Must of hit a sore spot with some of you.
An unpopular spot to be certain, but not sore. I have no trouble defending my right to bear arms. I can and will defend it time and time again regardless of whom is trying to argue the point.
This "unfortunate" incident is an example of why gun laws do not work. In fact, it's not just an example, it's a beacon of truth. With great freedom comes great responsibility, and I choose to exercise that right with great care and a fervent defense of my family and friends.
It's sad that every time I turn a dark corner, I must prepare myself for an eventuality that may some day come true. It's sad that every time my dogs bark, I think to myself, is this the night when they're coming to rob me? It's sad that every time I pull up to a dark intersection, I have to remind myself that my gun is only seconds away, yet a carjacker may be quicker.
These are symptoms of a free society. And this is the price we pay to live in such a society. We are a homogeneous country, filled with races and ethnicities from across the world. No other country on the globe has such diversity, and sadly, as a result, no other country suffers from such crime. We suffer from crimes of the past, slavery, segregation, class welfare, etc. These demons haunt us today with an unproportional number of impoverished black and Latino families. Poverty causes crime, it's a fact. America does not suffer from crime because of guns, we suffer because of a unique dynamic of wealth and racial inequality. No law and no amount of reparations will ever solve that. And no gun laws will remove the angst and hatred that can be found in any ghetto or slum. Short of complete martial law, you will never rid our streets of guns. And you most certainly will never rid them of knives, bats, clubs, etc. As long as man walks erect, he will find ways to do harm to his fellow man. It doesn't matter if a man is murdered by gun or by fist, his life still holds the same value.
As I said, we live free, we die free, and we must accept the consequences of living in a land that offers us every opportunity in life to excel. We must help our fellow man to realize those opportunities, we must educate our children to become self-reliant, turn away from the hand of Uncle Sam and become a true American, complete with the right to defend our life, liberty and property. If it takes the death of seven individuals to wake up just one person, then I dare say it's worthy of an education. There is no disrespect in educating your fellow man about their freedoms.