A,B or C


I live in Berkshire UK, didn't use any other than A, that is until the real bad weather we have just had, rain, sleet and snow. Found that C was a lot better on the bendy leafy lanes up here. But you can't account for the 'pot hole' you will keep finding.

Back on A now though :please:

Ride Safe

Mick :beerchug:
For good fuel effeciency and adequate power ,I do not engage the modes at all .Works good in town and freeway, commuting.A mode guzzles fuel, i only use it when doing serious riding .goodluck.
I used to use C mode for rainy days. But once I learned better throttle control I found C mode harder to use than just using A mode all the time. The modes change how much clutch to release and when. So after I learned A mode, I could control the bike much better at low speed and RPM by throttle control even in bad raod conditions.

The B & C modes are never used anymore. It just changes the clutch to throttle timing too much to "re-learn" everytime I change modes.

Maybe there is an argument for +/- wear and tear by using A mode for all kinds of riding compared to B and C modes at times. Harder on parts to be in A mode all the time? Do the lower modes make the bike last longer if you are not needing the power?

I do not know. Sounds like something Suzuki should have had numbers for if there are any saving to be had by the modes. I still think it was something to add to the bikes that Kawi and Honda did not have to increase sales. I have never seen any "real need" or data for the different modes.
In my opinion I wish they had put the Odometer / Trip A / Trip B where the mode switch is, and put the mode switch on the dash somewhere.
I personally have never switched modes (always in A). I do however regularly change trip meters for various reasons and it would be nice to be able to change them while riding with just a flick of the thumb.
If I ever did need to switch to different mode I don't think I would ever be doing it on the fly.
Again this is just my 2cts worth.
When I twist my wrist I want consistency. A is the only way for me. I’ve never even used B or C and don’t intend to.
Hissing down with rain today on the way to work, tried the "C" setting seemed to work well on slippery roads :thumbsup:
I read somewhere and I don't remember where or if it is accurate that B mode is -15 HP and C mode is -50 HP.

I had mine dynoed in all 3 modes.
It still had under 1000 miles on it, so the motor was still a little tight, by my results were:
A:167hp 101lb-ft
B:156hp 84lb-ft
C:114hp 68lb-ft
Have any of you guys used b or c mode with a Power Commander installed? Is it possible?
Will it lean out the engine?
brock davidson says not to use it with a pc3 and custom tune. says it could lean out and cause problems. no garauntee it would cause damage, but he advised against using the a,b,c mode switch. i only used it when the bike was new...more of a novelty item. you can also tune the bike down b4 u let a buddy ride it :poke:.

anyhow i rode in very heavy rain 2 wks ago and had no problems in a mode.
it was raining all day today and last night and when i left i did not think to even put it in B or C mode ??? untill now after a few :beerchug: :laugh: too me it seems useless i have rode a busa for 6 years i know what my right wrist will do with 180hp