A Big Favour [everyone read! it's an order ;]]

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How do we know you're even in Poland?
You can check my IP number. Or you can translation this: Naprawdę chce wykorzystać zdjęcia w pracy zaliczeniowej. Nie rozumiem takiego zachowania innych użytkowników ale wyjaśnia mi to wasza nieufność. Bardzo mi zależy na zdjęciach motoru z tych roczników dlatego proszę o pomoc gdyż w Polsce jest ich niewiele.
I can't give you a pic, but this is what my bike sounds like.

brrr, brrr, vrrrrrrrrrr, vrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, brrrrvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooo, vrrrrrrrrrrrr
Translate this..............

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Blow me</span>..........
cleaned up my language - even if it is in Polish

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In my mind the jury is still out. I want to help as that is my nature but I would hate to help and have MY busa used to steal from someone else. Wish i knew how to be sure this was legit. Since i can't, I think I will respectfully decline.
Chuj,Walić Konia, Idż się jebać, Idź do diabła!, Pierdolić

Translate that....I don't even know Polish, but 2 mn on google and I can swear up a storm in that language!
chuj=> ####
walic konia=> men masturbation (I don't know how that writte in english)
Idź się jebać=> go #### yourself
Idź do diabla=> go to hell
Pierdolić=> ####

Ye poor taht you can get only #### words in Polish not some nice words.
Now is that anyway for a lady to type.
I have a Polish employee at work and I will have him translate that for me.
Everyone was giving you a hard time because we do not want to contribute to others being scammed on the internet and you take an attitude.
I was polite and asked you to prove that you where on the level.
I have 100's and 100's of pictures I would have shared but now I must reconsider and get some polish translated.
Sorry, but my polish is bad, but I think you will understand (nicer words for ya)

*Im* żałujący jeżeli wy obmyślacie nie ufamy ludzie (lud; ludowy) proszący o (prośba o) fotografie, jednak tam są wielka ilość ludzie (lud; ludowy) tworzący (stworzenie) *scams* z fotografiami. Być może jeżeli wy wzięliście czas otrzymywać (dostawać; rozumieć) poznawać członków tutaj, i niż pytają o taki pożytek (aprobata) to *wouldnt* jest taka wielka sprawa (interes). Niestety wasze podejście podnosi się podejrzenie.
Now is that anyway for a lady to type.
I have a Polish employee at work and I will have him translate that for me.
Everyone was giving you a hard time because we do not want to contribute to others being scammed on the internet and you take an attitude.
I was polite and asked you to prove that you where on the level.
I have 100's and 100's of pictures I would have shared but now I must reconsider and get some polish translated.
do you wish me to write something else? or more??
okej i will send you pw with expelenation all sytuation in polish and your worker will translation taht for you:]
Sorry, but my polish is bad, but I think you will understand (nicer words for ya)

*Im* żałujący jeżeli wy obmyślacie nie ufamy ludzie (lud; ludowy) proszący o (prośba o) fotografie, jednak tam są wielka ilość ludzie (lud; ludowy) tworzący (stworzenie) *scams* z fotografiami. Być może jeżeli wy wzięliście czas otrzymywać (dostawać; rozumieć) poznawać członków tutaj, i niż pytają o taki pożytek (aprobata) to *wouldnt* jest taka wielka sprawa (interes). Niestety wasze podejście podnosi się podejrzenie.
But now you can see how translation make sentens in polish and what I wrote. I'm sorry if my behavior is strange but i think that TIMMYDUCK will explain you everything if he asck his worker.
cache, are you saying Sponge Bob is actually a Polish Cross Dressing Female? I guess the hips should have all told us the real truth about Sponge Bob.
I think this little Polish Gal is putting in a Sponge Bob DVD in the player.

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