A bit of a head scratcher


Donating Member
Took the 'ol Bumblebee out for a ride this morning.

It started right up, idled perfectly, took it out and it worked perfectly for about 15 kms, I was going up a slight hill with a curve and it "bucked once" I thought "oh, oh..."

I got about 2 more kms and the FI light started flashing but it ran....for a bit then quit....all that was in the screen was FI...it would turn over but obviously wasn't getting fuel....I sat there for a little bit and then turned on the key and the gear indicator came up and it started right up with the FI light flashing....

I figured to beat feet and try to get home and took off with the FI light still flashing...I got about 6 kms and it quit with the same scenario....

I was on the phone awaiting to get hold of CAA (AAA) and decided to try the key and the gear indicator came up and it started....back on and try to get closer.....went 3 kms and same thing, it quit with the FI light flashing and nothing in the gear indicator screen....

I figured this is it, this is as far as I get so I tried to get hold of CAA again, after a couple minutes, tried the key and I was back in business I managed to get home with the FI light flashing and a sinking feeling that it would quit again but I got all the way home..

I shut it down and when I restarted the FI light went out and it is running normally again...

I thought I may have picked up some bad fuel as I fueled it after the last ride the other day and that was the only thing different..

Then I thought it might be the fuel pump on it's way out....it gets hot, shuts down and when it cools again it starts....

In the mean time I drained the fuel and will refill with another sourced fuel supply but I figure it's the fuel pump...

If anyone recalls I had a similar issue last summer and I changed out the teabag filter and never had the issue again...that could have been a precursor to the fuel pump going....I lifted the tank and the fuel pump was cool....

All switches and everything are GTG, I checked each and everyone of them and if it had an issue, that little (-) would show up in the gear indicator screen,,,but there was nothing...
Under the circumstances, I would just order a new fuel pump.
I am unsure of what year the pump changed.
Also, disapointed, you were on the phone trying to get towed when you could have been pushing...
I had already pushed it a 100 meters to a dirt turn around point.....

I went out to the garage just now, no FI and it started right up as if nothing happened....it must be the fuel pump crapping out...

I will put it into dealer mode to see what comes up but even that is hit and miss.

I got to thinking if it were bad fuel it wouldn't have shut off and then started up again in a couple minutes...it would have just ran like crap, sneezing and farting while the FI light flashed....
I'm not saying this is it. But I'm going to throw this out there. I had exactly the same thing happen on a heavy duty pressure washer. It turned out that the filter, even though it was newly changed, had become restricted sitting a whole season. Visually it looked fine. And it was an inline see through version. Even though you can see it had fuel, it was not delivering it.

I feel your pain. I changed the whole fuel system out. Convinced it couldn't be the filter since I knew it was new.

It's waaayyyy cheaper than a fuel pump.
I'm not saying this is it. But I'm going to throw this out there. I had exactly the same thing happen on a heavy duty pressure washer. It turned out that the filter, even though it was newly changed, had become restricted sitting a whole season. Visually it looked fine. And it was an inline see through version. Even though you can see it had fuel, it was not delivering it.

I feel your pain. I changed the whole fuel system out. Convinced it couldn't be the filter since I knew it was new.

It's waaayyyy cheaper than a fuel pump.
I changed out the tea bag filter last fall with an OEM one....and probably rode 1500kms since doing that.

It's odd as the bike started and ran perfectly fine and no issues until I got a little way from home than then that single "buck" followed by the FI light flashing then the shut down, after a few minutes it would start and run with the FI light flashing, go for a little ways then shut down, then start with the FI light flashing...

And when I got home I shut the bike down and started it right away and no FI light.....

I figure it must be the fuel pump getting hot...

When it shuts down, it shows nothing in the little TFT screen, the first time it showed FI then nothing....after a few minutes of waiting and cussing, turn the key and the gear indicator comes back....

If I go out to the garage right now, it will start right up as per normal...no FI light and will run perfectly.

I did notice that the fuel pump wasn't cycling when there was nothing showing in the TFT screen...but there wasn't that little (-) that shows up if a switch is acting up....
I wonder if a bad relay like what @mabupa had could be causing my headache....?

It gets hot and shuts down perhaps? or is intermittent like this seems to be....

I'll get an OEM one...all the relays on ebay are used....not going to buy someone else's problem...

It makes sense that it's the relay as when the pump is cycling it sounds strong and the bike runs very strong until it quits....

The relay must be crapping out under load.
Could be. I once had a Chrysler that would quit when it go hot. It was the fuel pump.
Could be. I once had a Chrysler that would quit when it go hot. It was the fuel pump.
This is acting weird....when it runs it is running perfectly even with the FI Light on,

Then it dies with the FI light in the LCD screen which according to the manual can be a few things, crankshaft sensor, tip over sensor, fuel injector sensors, fuel relay or ignition switch...in most of these the problem isn't intermittent...but the fuel relay could be.

But after a few minutes it will start back up with the FI light on but run and accelerate as normal...even now the FI light is out and it starts and runs as if nothing were going on....

It still could be the fuel pump which might have a fault yet...

Once I get the new relay, I'll put it in dealer mode and ride it around the neighborhood to see if it trips again...