A few mods here and there


I got a few mods here and there



glad you were able to pick it up last week, i hope you enjoy it and it is everything you hoped for...haven't put my finger on why it is exactly but i really like the paint design :beerchug:
Yep it was on craigs list where i spoted it. I had to drive 500 miles to pick it up but i like it. I just picked up a new tire from e-bay, they were all listed at like $300 but this one place called surerior motorcycle products had tires listed for $150 plus 26 for shipping, so you know how quick i jumped on that! Like i said i love this bike the only issue i have is it appears the sproket is worn on the jack shaft and slips when i try to get in it. I talked to the company who makes this "Ghetto Booty Kit" as they call it. I can get new chains and sprokets for like $375. Hopefully they wont be to much of a pain to swap out. Maby next season ill try the OSD.
Yep it was on craigs list where i spoted it. I had to drive 500 miles to pick it up but i like it. I just picked up a new tire from e-bay, they were all listed at like $300 but this one place called surerior motorcycle products had tires listed for $150 plus 26 for shipping, so you know how quick i jumped on that! Like i said i love this bike the only issue i have is it appears the sproket is worn on the jack shaft and slips when i try to get in it. I talked to the company who makes this "Ghetto Booty Kit" as they call it. I can get new chains and sprokets for like $375. Hopefully they wont be to much of a pain to swap out. Maby next season ill try the OSD.

Get a good chain like a EK ZZZ chain. So the jackshaft sprocket is worn?
Id be glad to help you out since your close to me:thumbsup: When you replace the jackshaft cog...take a look at its bearings!!!!!!!