A Few Pics

That is a sweet garage! Mine's pretty clean too (I think)!


Hayabusa 030.jpg

Hayabusa 033.jpg

Hayabusa Stands 016.jpg
awesome setup! if I had a garage like that, I'd spend less effort on trying not to pizz off the wife :whistle: ...so..ya want me to get out of your sight... well fine then...I'm going to the garage :beerchug:
Nice setup! I love how clean it is. Everything in it's place is my preference.
Everyone has the right idea about the garage, Red is my favorite color but they didn't make a Red 2008 so I went with the Orange/Blk. Not in the garage yet still at the tuners getting worked on :(


Now that is a beautifull car man.Thanks for the comments. Took me longer to get the garage the way i wanted than anything. The fridge was the latest. its a kitchen aid 36" built in with panelized from. i slid a chalk board in there so the kids can draw on it. Could of got another bike for the price of that damm thing.
****...that is a sweet garage! TV in corner...you have a bar out there? Where did you get the large Hayabusa decal on wall or is that painted?