A few pics

Was curious. That was the first place I saw a Busa. And I only saw one...

Is there many out there? Or are you pretty lonely?
Go to a bike night at Sonic and I bet 1/4 of all of the bikes are Busas.. mostly chromed out and slammed.... But then again Bike Night also coincides with the night the Drag Strip is open.... so a lot of them go there instead.

When we go out for a ride down Hwy 90.. we usually see at least 4 other Busas. New Orleans is worse... you'd think the Busa was the only bike made.

With the rate of Bike Theft around here... averaging 6 stolen bikes a weekend... I am afraid to take mine anywhere I have to leave it unattended. Interstate 10 makes it way too easy for thieves to steal a bike and jump on the interstate and take off with it to Mobile or New Orleans... never to be seen again.
Of course... I was in night classes while I was there. So I got out of class around midnight. Guess Most of the kids were in by then

Wish I could have seen a bike night at Sonics. I ate there all the freakin time. It was always there or Hooters. Food was free at Hooters (much love from the managers) but I do love me a chili cheese coney!
DocDrop, we were in Biloxi for my schooling.  I had a school there for the Navy.  Was there for about 5 months.  We were pre Katrina by just a few months
pre katrina, man that seems like a long time ago. have you been back for post katrina. what school did you take for the Navy. I was in the Seabees (CM) for 8yrs, then i got out and now im working for the power company down here in MS gulf coast.
Went to Calibration School at Keesler Airfarce base :-P

Was a great time down there. I have yet to make it back post, but am hoping to sometime fairly soon. Got to let things settle down here first.