A first for Congress ???

I just wish that John Boehner, upon receving the gavel signifying his new job as Speaker, had soundly whacked that crazywoman Pelosi across the head with it....
Congress, like children must be watched.....guided and taught.

and when they get out of line, you put a hand to thier back-side....

"We the People" dropped the ball, we got caught up in our own personal lives and stopped watching the kids....and like kids do, Congress ran wild....

Last election, the citizens of this country put a whoopin' on that A$$. However for any real change to occur, we must be vigilant. We must always keep our eye on them....

I respect this opinion, but does anyone truly belive anymore that we the people actually have a real say in what happens? Our elected officials are either corrupt before they go in, corrupted after they get in, or helpless to fight the majority...of corrupt money/power hungry s.o.b's.
I love this country, or what it once was, but it seems to be on it's way out. It continues to be ruined and really run from behind the scenes big industry ceo's, or whoever has the most money.
A one world currency has already been suggested. China's debt can't be paid; Anyone think they might come calling for their money back eventually? The struggling corrupt governed U.S is in prime position to supposedly have it's problems solved by joining a one world government in our lifetime.
It's not a secret or a crazy idea either, it's actually true.
Anyone read the Bible?:whistle: That's in there too.
I'm an optomistic American who loves this country, but I just don't have much hope for our country turning around anymore. Rant over.
I respect this opinion, but does anyone truly belive anymore that we the people actually have a real say in what happens? Our elected officials are either corrupt before they go in, corrupted after they get in, or helpless to fight the majority...of corrupt money/power hungry s.o.b's.
I love this country, or what it once was, but it seems to be on it's way out. It continues to be ruined and really run from behind the scenes big industry ceo's, or whoever has the most money.
A one world currency has already been suggested. China's debt can't be paid; Anyone think they might come calling for their money back eventually? The struggling corrupt governed U.S is in prime position to supposedly have it's problems solved by joining a one world government in our lifetime.
It's not a secret or a crazy idea either, it's actually true.
Anyone read the Bible?:whistle: That's in there too.
I'm an optomistic American who loves this country, but I just don't have much hope for our country turning around anymore. Rant over.

The system can work....

It just takes people that will do the work, and not complain about how hard it is.

It easy to complain about the corporate CEO's and corrupt politicians. It may even make some feel better. However it will not solve the problems we all face.