A girl or my busa

Moved to random, because it isn't a poll. And yes a turbo is nice, but if it is better than, you know... well, you're doing it wrong... :lol:
yeppers... in a year or 2 the turbo will be old and tired... in 5 or 6? ready for the junk heap... a good woman? will just be maturing to the best thing in your life.. (and if you are lucky? you will know it)

Also never had a woman try to kill me because I twisted her a bit too tight one time...

Happiness really is not a measure of possessions.. more the people around you..

My point of reference?? "Shawn" to see him and his family at bash? priceless...
In an ideal world you would be able to have both. Fact is...a percentage of people dont like the idea of their partner riding. Now I feel that is just bat sh!t nutz...lol.
Because I'm gonna ride come he!! or high water...Trick is to find the person who is into it as much as you are.
I married a girl who liked to ride as much as I did. It was awesome! OH wait, you mean riding a bike.......oops!:laugh:

I married my little nympho! 27 years later we are still married. Gotta love it!!
Just an FYI, most of you guys who are happily married are very blessed and there are quite a few of us out here that are still looking but are losing hope. Dating in this day and age is very difficult...
Just an FYI, most of you guys who are happily married are very blessed and there are quite a few of us out here that are still looking but are losing hope. Dating in this day and age is very difficult...

I know you are waiting for me to move to Florida but you have to wait at least 6 more months:whistle: