A little Unexpected But..


Donating Member
Well it was a little unexpected but i just found out that im going to be a father again Kelly and i are expecting sometime n febuary around Valentines day :beerchug: . This part itme job **** has got to go i been looking for full time for almost a year now. Im very stressed but also very Very happy about it.
yah im hoping... i need to get something goign because its not gonna be cheap again lol.
the company I work for is still showing 2 openings in Morrisville...one is an interbranch driver, the other is plant maintenance tech.???they are older postings,but still showing to be open.

also showing one in Coatesville as an operator at the asu plant...according to yahoo , it's about an hour from Philly
yah i just need to get some funds together ahead of time so its not alast minute gettign laid off last november and only had part time since then..
congratulations. I know it sucks about your job, but something WILL come along at some point. Just be thankful for what you have now and God will bless you later :thumbsup:
congrats...its never a 'good' time but its always worth the time. and good luck on the hunt...keep at it something will come your way