A milestone achieved

O Holy P

Man, thought the day would never come. I'm doing an aerial surveying gig and we're all over the place. Right now I'm in San Angelo, TX and been here for a month, today...got here on 11/23. Needless to say, it's a pretty big contract we're working on. Well the company I work for said that we could fly up to 2hrs away on the company dime to visit family for Christmas if we had any near by. Just so happens that my parents planned a family dinner on the 21st.

On the trip up there I surpassed the 1,000 hour mark for my total logged flying hours. Time to get a bottle of tequila and celebrate.:cheerleader:

Right now a Cessna 172 with 5 cameras in the back. Great opportunity to build time quickly and it's great pay for what we're doing. I have a year and a half under my belt flying twin Cessna's (414 & 421), but left because I didn't get along with the owner and my wife and I were not real happy living in the DFW area so we moved back to FL.

Pictometry - Check'em out.

After this season I will be focusing on getting into a corporate jet of any kind.

great plane! I have about 80 hours in a 172 straight leg and about 40 in the 182RG

I did most of my flight training in the 150/152 so the 172 felt like a rocket :)

My dad "RIP" had a 206 turbo as well as a number of other planes but the 172 was always the most fun.. easy to fly, very forgiving and does a mean cross control stall :laugh:

Wish I could afford to get current and do some recreational flying..

A lawyer friend of ours (Jerry Steer) crashed his 421 in to the desert in norther AZ about 15 years ago.. nice plane.. Golden Eagle? never flown a twin myself..
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Pretty Cool! Private Pilot here with Complex and High Performance endorsements, most time in 172's in Colorado, some Virginia time. Pic of me over Pike's Peak

Sorry, not trying to jack the thread your site is cool! Congrats on the hours milestone:thumbsup:
I have 1 hour in the left seat so far. I don't really think it counts though as the instructor did most of the "flying" i.e. the take off and landing.

I can't wait to get back in and work towards my license, it seems like a great way to make a living, scenery always changing and so many different directions you can take it.
I've logged countless tens of thousands of hours in both first class and coach.

I don't suppose that counts, though.

Well congrats, brother...and happy holidays!
Man, thought the day would never come. I'm doing an aerial surveying gig and we're all over the place. Right now I'm in San Angelo, TX and been here for a month, today...got here on 11/23. Needless to say, it's a pretty big contract we're working on. Well the company I work for said that we could fly up to 2hrs away on the company dime to visit family for Christmas if we had any near by. Just so happens that my parents planned a family dinner on the 21st.

On the trip up there I surpassed the 1,000 hour mark for my total logged flying hours. Time to get a bottle of tequila and celebrate.:cheerleader:


Congratz on the Family dinner and the 1K hours :laugh:
Thanks guys, the 414 is a Chancellor and the 421 is in fact a Golden Eagle...but for now I'm Skyhawk'n it. :D
I'm with Scar...if it ain't big enough to come with a Flight Attendant, I'll pass.

Congrats on doing what you love for a living, though!
nice work :beerchug:

are you on the base there ??? if so say hi to LTC Z for me :thumbsup:
Right now a Cessna 172 with 5 cameras in the back. Great opportunity to build time quickly and it's great pay for what we're doing. I have a year and a half under my belt flying twin Cessna's (414 & 421), but left because I didn't get along with the owner and my wife and I were not real happy living in the DFW area so we moved back to FL.

Pictometry - Check'em out.

After this season I will be focusing on getting into a corporate jet of any kind.


That's my favorite building!!!
The acoustics in the main hall are amazing - I haven't been in the others yet.

Is this going on google maps?

Oh, sorry! Congrats for logging the hours!
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