A milestone achieved

If you look on Web browser and Live Maps are incompatible and you're looking at an area of interest the Birds Eye view are the pictures we take. Majority of stuff we do is for Gov't. & Police/Fire/Rescue for their databases. We're @ KSJT right now, not on any base, but we do see quite a bit of military guys coming in & out.

In order to make it to the high speed aluminum, u gotta pay your dues. :beerchug:

Right now a Cessna 172 with 5 cameras in the back. Great opportunity to build time quickly and it's great pay for what we're doing. I have a year and a half under my belt flying twin Cessna's (414 & 421), but left because I didn't get along with the owner and my wife and I were not real happy living in the DFW area so we moved back to FL.

Pictometry - Check'em out.

After this season I will be focusing on getting into a corporate jet of any kind.


GOOD JOB man. i happened to stumble on to this page and wanted to say good job. I am currently Director of Application Support at Pictometry and have been here for 7 years. I along with many others here are avid bike riders. i personally have 5 in my garage but the closest one to you guys is my 02 TL1000R the hot bike with soul. my wife has an 04 SV650 my kits have a total of 3 KTM's SX65 SX50 and 50 Mini adventure.



GOOD JOB man. i happened to stumble on to this page and wanted to say good job. I am currently Director of Application Support at Pictometry and have been here for 7 years. I along with many others here are avid bike riders. i personally have 5 in my garage but the closest one to you guys is my 02 TL1000R the hot bike with soul. my wife has an 04 SV650 my kits have a total of 3 KTM's SX65 SX50 and 50 Mini adventure.

Wow, small world. I spent about 3 weeks in Rochester waiting for the season to get kicked off. Even on some coooolllld days I saw bikes out in the parking lot when I came to tour the facility. Thank you all for the kind words.
Thought I was the only one who had ever been to San Angelo TX. Small town to spend that long in. Wave at the military king air guys at the end of the ramp.
Ha! A few days ago a certain female Military King Air pilot caused my airplane to almost roll into a T-45 Goshawk. The T-45 pilot had to do an emergency shutdown and cavitated his fuel pump in the process and was stuck there for another day. So much for situational awareness and low power turns on the ramp area! Friggen women drivers.
Yea the company I work for is doing an avionics upgrade to the Air Force and Navy C-12's there on the south end of the ramp. So lots of transient crews picking up and delivering aircraft.
