At 1100 hours this morning, on a military installation in the middle of nowhere, quarters were held in a small brick building, with no windows. This is the home of a small command with important missions and tasking.
"Quarters" for those of you not familiar with the term in reference to military jargon is when a command gets together so higher authority can pass down information or present awards to command staff.
As normal and typical, our awardees were in front, going up to the stage as their names were called so the commanding officer could present the awards.
As each awardee is presented the award from the commanding officer, the next in charge (normally the executive officer) reads what the award is for)
One of our new (new to our command) LT's (lieutenant's) was called up. The executive officer then began to read to the small group what this LT was receiving and why.
As the executive officer read, he described how this LT was in Iraq, he apparently was there during the beginning of the war and was directly involved with attacks on Baghdad.
He went on to read how our ground troops were being fired upon and being killed by enemy forces that were hidden.
This LT apparently located numerous artillery batteries that were shelling the crap out of our troops, and he locked on and destroyed them with his FA-18 (Navy fighter aircraft). He did this while avoiding ground fire that was being directed at him.
He apparently saved an unknown amount of lives from his actions. Totally placed himself in harms way. There are people that are not only alive today because of his actions, but don’t even KNOW they are alive today because of his actions.
Yes, it is sad that the lives of the enemy were taken. Any loss of life sucks. But he did his job, he did it well, and in the end, the total amount of lives lost on both sides were probably less than if he did not act.
Kind of makes me ponder about my own life, and the things that I think I do that are important… are not really as important as I think they are.
Kind of puts things in perspective…
Hmmmm time to go have a drink I guess….
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"Quarters" for those of you not familiar with the term in reference to military jargon is when a command gets together so higher authority can pass down information or present awards to command staff.
As normal and typical, our awardees were in front, going up to the stage as their names were called so the commanding officer could present the awards.
As each awardee is presented the award from the commanding officer, the next in charge (normally the executive officer) reads what the award is for)
One of our new (new to our command) LT's (lieutenant's) was called up. The executive officer then began to read to the small group what this LT was receiving and why.
As the executive officer read, he described how this LT was in Iraq, he apparently was there during the beginning of the war and was directly involved with attacks on Baghdad.
He went on to read how our ground troops were being fired upon and being killed by enemy forces that were hidden.
This LT apparently located numerous artillery batteries that were shelling the crap out of our troops, and he locked on and destroyed them with his FA-18 (Navy fighter aircraft). He did this while avoiding ground fire that was being directed at him.
He apparently saved an unknown amount of lives from his actions. Totally placed himself in harms way. There are people that are not only alive today because of his actions, but don’t even KNOW they are alive today because of his actions.
Yes, it is sad that the lives of the enemy were taken. Any loss of life sucks. But he did his job, he did it well, and in the end, the total amount of lives lost on both sides were probably less than if he did not act.
Kind of makes me ponder about my own life, and the things that I think I do that are important… are not really as important as I think they are.
Kind of puts things in perspective…
Hmmmm time to go have a drink I guess….
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