I couldn't be prouder of my son.....

You should write a book on parenting.

There's alot of ****** retards out there having kids.
Apparently you sure as hell aren't one of them.
His accomplishments are a direct reflection of how well you brought him up.

Good on ya, we need more parents like you out there.
Congrats! Being a parent I can just imagine the feeling in your chest as you watched him take those steps to the stage to get his award(s). Kids are everything. I had always dreamed of living in Southern California and when the dream job was laid at my feet, it included moving to SoCal. Even though I was flying back every few weeks, being over 2000 miles away from my kids was more than I could take. I gave it all up and moved back to be close to them and I have never been happier!

Again, congrats and thanks for helping me get my sign on fixed!
that's awesome!
keep up the great work


Congratulations to all of you, you have worked hard and have chosen the right thing in life, an education. Don't forget the world will be yours one day, we will need you to be responsible for many things that will need to be accomplished, we DO have faith in you, we Do believe you can achieve and we DO admire your efforts, even at this young an age. Again congratulations!




Congratulations! Did you ever think that the acheivements of someone else would mean so much to you? You're both obviously great parents and instilling good values in your children. Sometimes it feels like this
but then they do something to show you that they've actually been listening the whole time! Go figure!

Congrats again.
Congrats Doug, it certainly is rewarding to see them grow up and see what kind of person they turn into!

Mine graduates Friday night with a 3.6 GPA and a 28 ACT, has been accepted to the University of Arkansas College of Engineering. Just finished two college courses his Senior year, he is a bit of a math whiz and is delighted that taking College Comp already means he will finish four years of college without having to take even ONE semester of English!!  

Here he is pimpin before the Prom...
PROM oh no.... Graduation is only 4 years away....... Tell your son congrats for me.....
That's awesome! Testament to his parents, so kudos to you both for instilling what it takes to make his way in the world...I'm sure he was proud

My two are still young and learning their way, but they make me proud every day...over the weekend, Sam took 3 baseball hits to his face/body, but wanted to keep playing...it's painful to watch and I so wanted to run over and coddle him, but he was tough and worked through it all. I hear from neighbors after a sleepover just how pleasant my two are, saying thank you and please, doing what they're asked without question. It's little things like that which make me feel like we're raising the boys the best way we know how and that hopefully they'll become assets to society in their own way.

Doug, you and Kristie are no doubt doing the same and I commend you
That's awesome!  Testament to his parents, so kudos to you both for instilling what it takes to make his way in the world...I'm sure he was proud  

My two are still young and learning their way, but they make me proud every day...over the weekend, Sam took 3 baseball hits to his face/body, but wanted to keep playing...it's painful to watch and I so wanted to run over and coddle him, but he was tough and worked through it all.  I hear from neighbors after a sleepover just how pleasant my two are, saying thank you and please, doing what they're asked without question.  It's little things like that which make me feel like we're raising the boys the best way we know how and that hopefully they'll become assets to society in their own way.

Doug, you and Kristie are no doubt doing the same and I commend you  
I tell you one of the most basic things that we make both of our kids do and that is call adults by Mr. and Mrs.

I know that Professor probably hates it but I have instilled in both the boys to call him Mr Howell... Now after some period of time I will let them call him Rick but for now they are learning how to respect adults. Yes ma'am and yes sir are requirements in our household when we are speaking about definative things that need to be accomplished, the kids know when they need to say mom and dad and yes and no ma'am or sir.....

What we have run into though is the adult that says, "Dont call me Mr. Howell, call me Rick" I think that is Okay for the person to say after a relationship is formed, when adults tell kids that right off the bat I think they are robbing the kid of the opportunity to learn how to respect others...


Its the basics we try to instill, jeesh its not even the complicated things...

1. Put your hand over your heart and stand up straight when reciting the pledge of allegience or singing the national anthem.
2. Please and thank you
3. Respect yourself first and then others.
4. Honor, courage, integrity (and explain what each one of those means.... How are they suppossed to know what these things are if we dont instill it in them.
5. Leadership starts with serving others.
6. Make the decisions today for what you want tomorrow.....
7. Work hard, play hard...

I figure if Kristie and I can get those 7 things we will be Okay...
Its the basics we try to instill, jeesh its not even the complicated things...

1. Put your hand over your heart and stand up straight when reciting the pledge of allegience or singing the national anthem.
2. Please and thank you
3. Respect yourself first and then others.
4. Honor, courage, integrity (and explain what each one of those means.... How are they suppossed to know what these things are if we dont instill it in them.
5. Leadership starts with serving others.
6. Make the decisions today for what you want tomorrow.....
7. Work hard, play hard...

I figure if Kristie and I can get those 7 things we will be Okay...
That explains a lot about his successes. Good on both of you
Evan, outstanding job. Keep up the good work young man, you are our future.  

Kristie, er, and Doug,
excellent job thus far with your children. Keep up the good work. You should be proud. Thank you for taking the time and responsibility of being PARENTS!  

That's awesome!  Testament to his parents, so kudos to you both for instilling what it takes to make his way in the world...I'm sure he was proud  

My two are still young and learning their way, but they make me proud every day...over the weekend, Sam took 3 baseball hits to his face/body, but wanted to keep playing...it's painful to watch and I so wanted to run over and coddle him, but he was tough and worked through it all.  I hear from neighbors after a sleepover just how pleasant my two are, saying thank you and please, doing what they're asked without question.  It's little things like that which make me feel like we're raising the boys the best way we know how and that hopefully they'll become assets to society in their own way.

Doug, you and Kristie are no doubt doing the same and I commend you  
I tell you one of the most basic things that we make both of our kids do and that is call adults by Mr. and Mrs.

I know that Professor probably hates it but I have instilled in both the boys to call him Mr Howell... Now after some period of time I will let them call him Rick but for now they are learning how to respect adults. Yes ma'am and yes sir are requirements in our household when we are speaking about definative things that need to be accomplished, the kids know when they need to say mom and dad and yes and no ma'am or sir.....

What we have run into though is the adult that says, "Dont call me Mr. Howell, call me Rick" I think that is Okay for the person to say after a relationship is formed, when adults tell kids that right off the bat I think they are robbing the kid of the opportunity to learn how to respect others...


Its the basics we try to instill, jeesh its not even the complicated things...

1. Put your hand over your heart and stand up straight when reciting the pledge of allegience or singing the national anthem.
2. Please and thank you
3. Respect yourself first and then others.
4. Honor, courage, integrity (and explain what each one of those means.... How are they suppossed to know what these things are if we dont instill it in them.
5. Leadership starts with serving others.
6. Make the decisions today for what you want tomorrow.....
7. Work hard, play hard...

I figure if Kristie and I can get those 7 things we will be Okay...
The world would be a dif. place if we all had these basic parenting rules.
Congrats Doug/Kristie on a job well done! And a shout out to your oldest, Evan for an even better job done! I must say that the simple seven (rulz) are working. They are by far the most respectful young men I've ever had the pleasure to meet. Hats off to you both......