A story about germany, a gen 3 and how to buy it there, my history, a farmer, a lot of agression and...yeah....beer! ;)


Hello Friends

Some members wrote yesterday "hey tell us more about buying your gen 3! And the accident with the farmer, and about you, so go on". Yeah....so.....ahm.....if you ask me this in german, i would write a half book. But in english? Its hard to kick my brain and ask myself "woóoohsaaa...20 years out of school.....will you remember enough, that they will understand it? And.......is training with GTA5 enough for your skills?" :D Idunno :D

So for all the members who dont know me, i´m martin from germany. I own a gen 3 Busa since May. I´ll try my best, writing in your language, so please be patient with me. I´m 40 years old, have three Kids...and a Wife...and a dog...and two Rabbits...soooooo..i have 7 Kids....but dont tell this to my wife ok? :D

So how and why do i buy a Hayabusa Gen 3? I spend my hole life on two wheels...motorised two wheels. When i was a little boy, i grow up in de DDR.....East Germany, my father allways took my on his Motorbike, even when my feet dont touch the footrests. I dont like my father very much, was a hard man to his wife and son, but i´m thankfull for this times, for make me loving Bikes.

When i was 13 i start do save my money for my first motorbike, every coin, every money from my grandma, i play Paperboy in the Neigborhood. Gardenworks, car washing...everything for the great goal, to have enough money for a Bike wenn i will be 16, and old enough to drive it. Hard times! Even in summer, i dont spend one cent for Ice Cream or cinema! And then, the day comes.....Yamaha SR125 in maroon red, my frist bike, a new bike, me as first owner. Ok....after buying it i have to wait 2 month, because i had no money for insurance or gas! :D ;)

When i was grown up, my bike times come! Yamaha FZR 600 Fazer, R6, Kawa Ninja ZX-9R....then the Beast ZX-10R 2004...great times and....aaaaahm.....not so easy times for girlfriends i guess???!!! My last bike was a 2005 CBR1000RR Repsol, my dreambike.....since i buy it 2008 with 6000 miles on it, i dont need something else. But......the chancer dont ask me for my plans. So.........i had to sell the bike, because i was not able to drive, lost my job, and......i had family.....so dont be egoistic, spend the money for their future. These days...i dont know, if i survive this hole mess!! But...every day..i think about the moment, where i sold my Repsol...and how the new owners take it away from me. Man...this guy was an sugar, cold Engine und dann he pulls full throttle to 13.000...to test the sound.....hate that guy, but had no other choice!

For a guy like me, the next 10 years where hell! But thank god i survived, even if it was hard. I dont know how long i will spent my time on this planet, but try to enjoy every day....its hard.....because life dont stop, and you cant live every day, as it where your last, when you have a family.

After 10 years i decide to start motorbiking again, my health ist stable enough now, money....aahm...is ok......i dont will be rich in this life, so what? :D So i want to buy in 2018 a used motorcycle, a Supersport 600 oder 1000 ccm was my wish. But...the german market was dead! Horrible bikes, used by hotshoots, threadet like poop...for too much money. After weeks of searching, i ask myself "is it that worth?". Its time to bake smaler bread (a german speech) and take something with less power, but in new condition. After another long search, i´ve decide to buy the Suzuki SV650X! Its not a very beautyfull bike, if it comes stock, but.....i want the sporty handle bars! I need sport handle bars, i dont like the bars of naked or adventure bikes, i dont like to sit straight on a bike, my back need a hatch :D :D maybe my back is ruined to? I dont know! ;)

This was my Bike, not very fast, not much power on the Paper...but hell of a little machine! The V2 was a brilliant engine, that sound, that noise...that feeling of power, even if you dont had it! :D Light handling, much fun...baaad breaks...but you cant have everything. And the price was very good and the engine heart taking. Here is a pic with my Daugther, a huge motorbikefan too.

But is it enough? Hm......thats the question! I would say yes...but no! If you are alone.......you have so much fun, you ask yourself "why more? nobody need more". As long as you ride nothing with more power, you believe it.....but if you do...meeehhh no good idea. And.....if you ride with a second person........yo feel, that 76 horsepower....may be not enough.

In germany the young Hotshoots dont drive bikes anymore, they drive hot hatches...with 280 HP. Dont know how the get so much money, but.....they do! Or the older ones, with big german V8 models, driving 30 miles on the road, but when you want to overtake, they return to life for some moments and then it comes to full throttle. In some Situations, this could cause dangerous situations, especialy when you have your daughter behind you. Desicion was clear, something with more Power!

So you look at your Money situation and you know, it must be a bike for you AND your daugther. I swear, if i ever forgett that, the red haired witch will curse me! :D :D :D So i decide to buy a GSX-S 750. 114 HP, nice design, good price and room for two. But......naked style handle bars.....ok....martin....you have to try....80% of the germans could not be wrong, because they drive that bars to. But what should i say! THEY ARE WRONG! :D:confused: Its not my riding style, its not my kind of bike......i was not happy with her. Even if there was more power, better sound.......but....i dont fall in love. The engine is like.....all or nothing....mercedes 190 Diesel or Beast.....not my

So what now? Early in 2021 they announce the new Hayabusa.....Gen 1 and 2 fans would slap me now, i know....but....i was more Fan of the ZX-12R or the ZX-14..in germany, her name is ZZR1400. But the Power Bikes in germany all gone. No ZX-14, no Busa, no CBR Blackbird........only Retro and Adventure Bikes....i have the feeling, every German has a destert and mountains behind the house....

But when they announce the Busa...the media asks "why not 250 HP, why no turbo, no sixzylinder? So much weight, less power than the older one...who needs that?". I aksed myself the same thing, but as longer as i see the bike, the more i learn to love it...for me its some kind of Retro Bike! A bike wich reminds me about the wild times in 2000! No limit to high, more power every year......one benchmark after another! I understand the Busa as that, what she is...a retro millenium bike....that spits at the way of german thinking. And yes...its horrible to live in that country at the moment....even if we had the Autobahn :D Bikers are the enemy...sportsbikes for example is pure evil, if you are a nice sweet german...drive 48 HP in a Retro Bike that looks, as comes direct from your Grandpa. Nothing for me. I´m sorry that my english isnt good enough, to explain it better.

So in April...my 40th Birthday.......i´ve make myself the perfect present, the Busa. It was hard to gave the 6 month old GSX-S 750 back to the dealer, but Suzuki take the GSXS from our market, and luck for my, many people want to buy such a model, befor it is out of stock. So i´ve get a goo price for it....and a good price for the Busa too, because i was the only one, who shows interest in the bike. In Bavaria......what should i say...the people hier are strange....they love her BMW......and special the GS....in germany we say rubbercow! A Moto Guzzy with hanging titts! :D So the dealer think its a good idea, when i drive around with the new Busa to make some advertisment for the Bike.

Ok.....only problem was my wife. She was not very happy! Frist the SV....then the GSXS..now a HAYABUUUUSAAAA? Hard fight my friends! :D She is a good wife...and i´m not very easy.... i know. But it was my dream.....one big bike in my life, one Powerhouse.......only one more time. And yeah........if my daugther reads this, a bike for a second rider..something a GIXXER never will be! And in germany.......they are so insane with their E-Mobility...i really dont know, if i able to drive the Busa in 10 Years.......or if they demand E-Bikes and cut off the Gasoline support. So i think the Busa is my last Bike.....not because i think i would die soon, just because she is perfect for me and we become a future that is very unclear. Yeah....but......the biggest reason is, the Busa is a wonderfull Bike. Here some Pics after the Dealer brings her to me!
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Soooooooo happy ending? I wish it would have so! Busa at home, summer away! Rain, rain, rain, storm, rain, rain, storm, half of germany was flood. Every day there is a climate scientist in the tv and explain "no more rain, no winter, everything will dry out......germay will be like a desert". Aha....ok......and when? Can i demand it now? At the moment, i think we are living in a rain forrest? I demand climatic chance now! (just joking)

But it was no summer! Only 450 Miles on the Road....till the day, the crazy farmer comes! Sounds like a Horror Movie?! :D That was the End of the Season 2021! It was a very sunny and wonderfull day. Busa runs perfect, still the best Bike i´ve ever ride! I was happy and 5 Miles away from home. I think about a good meal and Moto GP, in 5 Minutes i will be at home.

Right in front of me? A tractor with trailer standing on a crossroad. He stands there, dont know why, because there was no other car, bike, traktor, Horse, rabbit or alien. But ok.....good...i stop behind him! Now he starts to drive into the crossroad, i´ve startet to...but carefull. So startet like a Racecar.......and without any reason he hit the breaks lik a maniac. There was no reason...nothing there to break for! It was good that i drive slowly, i came to stop and think by my self "thank good.....what a idiot". In that moment, the Trailer jumpes sideways....dont ask my how....but that massiv breaking, makes the trailer jump three times sideways...direct in my Bike!

It was like in bad movie, like somebody played it in slowmotion! Thank Good i was able to hold the Bike and lean it to the right side...but....a part of the Trailer Bumper chrases into my front and side fairing. I couldnt believe it! Soooooo i put my helmet down, put the Bike on the side stand, but the farmer stands still! In another moment, he jumps of the tractor, jumps into the trailer and put a bottle of beer out! This sugar breaks because he forgett his BEEEEER! I asked him, what the fu*** is wrong with you, after a sighted the damage on my bike! This Bast*** smile.....a evil smile...as he enjoys it, jumps on the tractor and drive away. But.......he dont uses the street, he drives over a big field into the woods! No chance to get him. The licence plate was written badly by hand (in bavaria many farmes did that), no chance to read it. And the Police? Yeah...ahm...very helpfull...they do nothing. "Do you know how many farmers ar here? We cant visit every one! Bikers.. are....allways to fast.....and then you blame a farmer. Yes....we notice it!" Thank you for nothing.....

I was so unhappy.....so schocked (and for that....you need a lot) ...you could not believe it. So my side fairing was damanged.....parts of the inside fairing where the sensor for the temperature ist snaped in, some platik bolts and.....how should i call it...the nose of the Busa....the ram air Intakes under the Headlight. Not much damage....but expenisve i can tell you that. The Accident was on 13 July............one day later i´ve ordered the parts. 3...in words THREE Month later, the parts arrived! Untill that day...the Busa was stripped down. I have some knowlegde...but dont be a professional Mechanic! After i stripped her.....she looks like that!

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kaputt 3.jpg

My daughter shoutet out loud...o my god! Dad! This looks like Lego for insane adults! :D What shoud i say....i tried to remember every bolt, and how to put her in...where wich part fits where.....i dream about reparing the bike at nights. I mean a brand new Bike.....a expensive Hypersportsbike........450 miles...and it looks like THAT!

And the parts? It was a desaster! Week after week.......another reason, why they dont arrive! German has no central logistics, there is only one Storgage in Hungary! We ordered the parts from there, a day later..ahhm..no parts there...we ordered parts in spain....aaaaaahhhh no......there are no parts....then we must order it in japan....by plane, next week it arrives. Ahhh....no.....the parts....aaahm....japan has no fairings at the moment...you have to wait 2 Month.....every day another fun from the dealer. I now its not guilty about the situation...but....it was no fun. Weeks without good sleep, and weeks without good nerves, weeks without funny mood! Noooo...i would say...nobody in my way had fun these days! :D

Buuuuut......the season ends, auntum finally takes over....what he did since July.....no possibility to drive this year, buuuut the parts are here! And.....after studying Hours after Hours the official Parts List from Suzuki, i think...every bolt, every srew is on the right place and the bike is as good as new. Yeah...sometimes i ask myself "does it fit perfect? Is the fairing close enough the Turn signal......ahhhh...is it realy perfect! Was it like this before?" My wife shake her head and allwas says... "you are a wacko! what have i married?". Then i say.. "it was the geat Al Bundy who said "every Woman is sexy, untill you married her". Then she looks evil and went away. Yeah....i´´m special......i know, not easy to take!

So...why i wrote this book without good english knowlege? Because i want to warn you! Look at your farmes...if they dont have their Beer, they are dangerous, just stop!" :D Thanks for reading
I am 73 my love for motorcycles started when I was 13 years old .
every year I would strive to ride better and learn as much as I could .
for me it’s about the ride and the friends I make along the way .
I was born in Fulda Germany in 48 my father was a Berliner .
My mother put me and my brother in children’s home . I was adopted
and taken to United States of America in 1954,and so my journey begins.

Wow thats a very interesting story! A lot of history! You must have seen many things in life! Its impressive, that your heart for bikes keep you young! Deep respect for 73 years old biker, riding a bull like the Busa. Its very nice to meet you and read something about your history!
Woah what a story! I always enjoy stories of people from outside the united states. I have a story similar story to yours. I brought my bike in for it's first service. On the way home a bicyclist pulls in front of me, I hit him and go down. About 7k of damage, terrible. I'm glad you have your motorcycle back together, hoping you can drive it as soon as possible.
It’s amazing how some people have very bad ‘luck’ for lack of a better word… very bad timing in time and space in their life experiences.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story Martin Rabbit, but one thing you forgot to do was pull out your cell phone and take photos of him, his face, his tractor and trailer, his beer in his hand, even get a selfie of you and him arm in arm… (well… that’s a stretch lol) but you get my meaning here, if you had the photos the identification of him would have been certainly easier. He was obviously intoxicated I’m thinking.
One question about the repairs… is your bike insured or not? Did you pay for and order all the parts yourself? That’s quite the repair work you carried out on your Busa my friend… well done!!
Your wife must be mad as hell with you, but also must be a patient woman, and your daughter in the pic is a sweetheart and must love you very dearly. She’s obviously very proud of her father.
Keep posting here Martin, you are amongst friends and Busa fanatics, we may be old but when you swing your leg over your bike, we are all the same age, 18!!!
Any technical issues or questions just feel free to ask, there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and bravado on this forum!
Keep up the good work!
Kiwi :thumbsup:
It’s amazing how some people have very bad ‘luck’ for lack of a better word… very bad timing in time and space in their life experiences.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story Martin Rabbit, but one thing you forgot to do was pull out your cell phone and take photos of him, his face, his tractor and trailer, his beer in his hand, even get a selfie of you and him arm in arm… (well… that’s a stretch lol) but you get my meaning here, if you had the photos the identification of him would have been certainly easier. He was obviously intoxicated I’m thinking.
One question about the repairs… is your bike insured or not? Did you pay for and order all the parts yourself? That’s quite the repair work you carried out on your Busa my friend… well done!!
Your wife must be mad as hell with you, but also must be a patient woman, and your daughter in the pic is a sweetheart and must love you very dearly. She’s obviously very proud of her father.
Keep posting here Martin, you are amongst friends and Busa fanatics, we may be old but when you swing your leg over your bike, we are all the same age, 18!!!
Any technical issues or questions just feel free to ask, there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and bravado on this forum!
Keep up the good work!
Kiwi :thumbsup:

Thanks for your words my friend. :) Yeah...the cellphone....a good question, a veeeeeeeeery good question! Should i be honest? Hm.....ok...i´ll try! :D I totally forgett about that! My new Bike runined, that "trailer situation" (never se a jumping trailer before)....i think about a lot of things, but not about the cellphone. And to be honest, it happens so fast, because this ******* runs over a near field and hiding in the woods.... I´ve should react faster, but over is over right? The licence plate was paintet by hand, dry out by the sun....even a picture of it, will be useless.

I visit the crossroad every day for more than 2 weeks, look at the fields, try to find him...but no success! The model of the tractor, well i have the feeling, every farmer in germany drives the same! Even if i had all of the information, i think the police wont help me. In germany the biker is the enemy, and with a sportsbike? oooooohhhwwwwww bad mistake! We are all bad road racers, its all our fault when something happens. Strange thinking in my eyes...but...nothing new.

About your repair questions. Yes my bike is insured, but not in the case, when some other guy damages it. So if i want the money for the repair, i must say, that i damaged it by myself. The price of the insurance wil raise insane for the next years. And...i dont know....to wait untill the insurance solve the situation? I think i would wait untill today. No.......i think by myself "you must fit the bike a soon as possible" so i have to pay for all parts by myself.

As you can see in the pictures, i´ve stripped the Busa bit by bit and looked what parts i need for the repair. When you starting, your hands shaking! I mean...it was a brand new bike, and a very expensive. I dont want to make mistakes and ruin it. So i´ve take my time and try to work as solid as possible. After i know wich parts i needed, i´ve looked for the parts number here.

Suzuki GSX 1300 RR Hayabusa / 2021. Suzuki Laux

It was also very helpfull, when you forgett over the month witch srew or bolt is placed where. :D I´ve take a lot of photos but not of every single srew and its place. :) So i´ve looked the parts katalouge and here i´ve find the answers. But i tell you....in my dreams....over and over and over and over again....i dreamed about, how to put everything together! Another kind of nightmare! :D Yeah...and the prices for the parts...are a nightmare too! Damn.....it rapes my finances, but...i want it perfect, no patch work..so i have to pay.

I hope my repairs ar well done, will test it in the new season 2022. Hope everything fits perfect, no vibrations. The dasboard showed me some codes, maybe because i have to remove the complete panel, but after 3 engine-starts, they went away, everything is fine now. The gap dimension between the left turn signal and the side fairing is aaaaa liiiiitlle bit more, than before..but i´ve done everything correct. I´ve done it 3 times in a row, and everytime, i fit the fairing in, it´s the same. Nobody sees it, except me....hahahaha yeah.....sometimes i´m to much perfectionist. My wife allways say "nobody except you, see these things, you are allways unhappy, when the things are not 100% perfect...whats wrong with you? Come over it man". I know shes right...but....naaaaahhhh :D

To be honest with you, i was not shure, that i can fix the Bike back, after i´ve stripped her....but i´ve learned a lot about, how the Busa is build, how the things work. I think it will help in the future, when i have to fix something again if i need to.

Yeah..my wife.....she is very special, i love her really. But i allways say "I dont smoke, i dont gamble, i dont drink, i dont hurt you or our 3 Kids, i treat you with respect....i´m just a little bit crazy when it comes to cars and bikes...i think i´m a good deal....even if it cost you a lot of patience, could be worse....dont you..ahhh think!" Why she allways looks strange in these moments? I dont know...or dont want to know :D :D :D

My daugther....yes i think she is proud about her dad, but you like it is, she is a teenager now, sometimes her old man sucks.. "aaaahhh daaad not again that old stories" "awww dad you dont understand me" "awww dad its sooo unfair, why dont you allow it". I think everyone with kids know this. But she loves bikes, and she works very hard at school, so so allway say "ride on a motorbike is one of the few ways to get my head clean, when i have a lot of stress". What kind of father would i be, if i´ve buyed a Gixxer instead a Busa, where she can drive with me?

My two sons are Bike fans to, allways watching Moto GP with me, the little one wants do ride bike to, but with 7 years he is to little, he have to wait two years. But...explain that to him :D Allmost every Kid here is soccer fanatic, my kids not, so its not easy for them.

I´m glad to find this forum here, i´m very interestet in story about the states, and i think motorbiking in the USA is something special, you celebrate bikes more than they do in other countries, its a complete other spirit and bike culture in your country. Here in germany......as i said, Retro and Adventure Bikes, Beer, Soccer....less humor.....not my kind of living. And when you think about my dream car, a ford mustang bullit (still the reason i play lottery every week), my wife allways say "why dont we move to the states? You love US cars, you love the way of thinking there, you love the nature, the style.....you are not really german you know" When i answered "ahhhhh....what about our bank account?" She looks into my eyes and say "oh....right.....there is one reason" :D

Have a nice day
I spend half my time on the back roads surrounded by farms and lots of tractors with wagons and other implements being towed and I have yet to encounter anything like you did nor allow myself to get close enough to these vehicles and wagons for them to be a threat to me.

You'd have to be pretty darned close to that wagon for it to make contact with your bike.

When I see one, I either get by it quickly or I drop well back behind it until an opening comes to get by it safely.
My wife shake her head and allwas says... "you are a wacko! what have i married?". Then i say.. "it was the geat Al Bundy who said "every Woman is sexy, untill you married her". Then she looks evil and went away.

Martin, thank you for sharing your story with us, I read every word with great pleasure. My youngest looks about your daughters same age, not interested in bikes at all, so those moments with your daughter are very special and very limited. Keep racking up the miles and the roads will be there when you're (and the bike) are ready.