Added a little bling :)

Well make me a "Spudley", and an "Elena" in black, separate of course, and I'll test them for you !!!! Charge me, I'll take one of each !!! :super: Looks great !!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence. If I decide to sell some, I'll make arrangements with Captain to join the members for members first. :rulez:
Looks good! Love that personalized one-of-a-kind stuff...!!
I also had vinyl decals put on DOT (my 09 gray silver) and I had them covered with the Invisible Shield. It is a 3m product and I highly recommend doing this if you are happy with the look and want to keep it for a long time.
I will try to get some pics b/4 and after to show you.
looks good.
How do you cut these?
Are they vinyl?
I also had vinyl decals put on DOT (my 09 gray silver) and I had them covered with the Invisible Shield. It is a 3m product and I highly recommend doing this if you are happy with the look and want to keep it for a long time.
I will try to get some pics b/4 and after to show you.
looks good.
How do you cut these?
Are they vinyl?

Yes, Cricut and they are vinyl. Got the 3rd party SW for it so I can cut any truetype font on my PC instead of having to buy a cartridge every time I want to switch fonts.
Yes, Cricut and they are vinyl. Got the 3rd party SW for it so I can cut any truetype font on my PC instead of having to buy a cartridge every time I want to switch fonts.

Thanks for the info on these.
I spent over 150 clams for decals testing for the right font and kanji size.
Can you download images as well, such as the Kanji?
thanks again
looks nice
Thanks for the info on these.
I spent over 150 clams for decals testing for the right font and kanji size.
Can you download images as well, such as the Kanji?
thanks again
looks nice

If you can get an outline onto the layout on the screen, it will cut it. The cartridge system cricut has is a scam. $35 a piece on ebay ($80 retail) for 1 cartridge that has 1 font and some shapes. Even with all of the limitations of the SW, you aren't going to get it confused with photoshop, at $75 to do layout on your PC using any TT font mixed and matched, it's still the way to go. I haven't searched for any sources for various shapes and symbols yet.
Here is DOT's vinyl Decals I put on from Immortal Graphix.
The taillight humps are covered with the Invisible Shield as well as the Hayabusa sticker above the lic plate.
I also put a small vinyl Kanji on the reflectors but I think they look cheesy and a little too many Kanji for one bike. I will take these off.

Please excuse the pics they are taken from the crappy work cam.


