adjust idle

(kennym4 @ Sep. 07 2007,03:27) I hear people saying "RED" or "BLUE" locktight, what's the differance ? How strong the hold is ?
big difference, BLUE is for if you want to be able to move it again, RED is if you really mean it. you can break the seal on the red, but it's not always easy. need to heat it sometimes
Naaaahhh...."actually, if you look between the innerpanel edge, on the right side, and the little plastic deelie on the bottom of the gas tank you'll see a small slot. Take a little flashlight and shine it in there. You'll see a little thumb screw. Take a long narrow screwdriver and flip on the notches of the thumb screw. Your idle will move up or down depending on direction. That's how I "tweak" mine. If all else fails, lift the tank, prop it up in place, and turn the thumb screw with your...well..uhhh....thumb."

If the idle's too low, certain noises will arise from the low idle when cold. Mine PURRS at 1200, or just above 1100. Idle barely comes up more than 100 rpms after getting warm. Just nice to have it spinning roughly where Zuke designed it to. Plus, like I said, there's a sweet spot where you can hear the engine at equilibrium. I believe "THAT" to be where Zuke has the base idle targeted for.

Just thoughts !!!

this is definitely the easiest way to do it! Thanks
this is definitely the easiest way to do it! Thanks

The easiest way actually is to contact Kevin(VMAN1300) at Mr.Cycles he's one of our sponsors. Tell him you want to get the parts for the idle adjustment mod and he can hook you up. No more screw driver through the frame and the tank. Adjust as you please.
(semi @ Sep. 06 2007,09:11) save yourself some trouble and you don't have to stand on your head

I keep getting page not found on this link.

I always pull the fast idle lever over and then start, but it will start either way, even when it is very cold. I would say that your normal idle is just set too low. As I recall, the screwdriver through the side only works on later model bikes.

I took the spring off the idle screw and put a nut and lockwasher on it. I set the idle to 1500. I tightened it down and the idle speed hasn't changed since. You can go high on the idle speed, but not low. Low is liable to let your engine die when you are leaning and cause a fall.

It would be nice if Suzuki would get off its ass and put in an electronic idle management system. When was the last time you had to fool with your car's idle, hot or cold?
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